Thursday, October 24, 2024

Vile and Desperate Dems Go Full Hitler Mode on Trump


It’s that time again: the closing of the election season, when Democrats go into full meltdown mode. In the final stretch, Kamala Harris and her allies, who are in panic mode looking at their internal polling, are doubling down on their desperate tactics, throwing everything they can at Donald Trump, including Hitler comparisons and fascist claims. It’s a frantic, last-minute effort to rally their base by slinging mud, but it’s looking more like a circus than a campaign.
Kamala’s fascist obsession: a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

At a recent CNN town hall in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, Kamala Harris didn’t hold back. When Lefist Anderson Cooper asked if she thought Trump was a fascist, Harris replied, “Yes I do. Yes I do.”

Fascist? Look in the mirror, honey.

Trump fired back on Truth Social, blasting Kamala’s fascist remarks as desperate lies designed to distract from her own failures. He said, “Comrade Kamala Harris sees that she is losing, and losing badly, especially after stealing the Race from Crooked Joe Biden, so now she is increasingly raising her rhetoric, going so far as to call me Adolf Hitler, and anything else that comes to her warped mind. She is a Threat to Democracy, and not fit to be President of the United States – And her Polling so indicates.”

The fascist claim is a tired and extreme label that Kamala and the Never-Trumpers seem to be clinging to like a political life raft – along with their claim that Trump is a “threat to democracy” – even though THEY are the ones who installed a new presidential candidate in a coup against their own voters.
Kamala’s town hall show: evade, deflect, repeat.

You know what else Kamala did during the Pennsylvania town hall? Pretty much dodge every question – surprise, surprise. Instead of tackling the real issues (that she helped cause) like inflation, crime, or the surge in illegal immigration, she’d rather rant about Trump. Just watch any recent interview with her, and you’ll see an inept, gaslighting politician floundering out of her depth.

It’s that time again: the closing of the election season, when Democrats go into full meltdown mode. In the final stretch, Kamala Harris and her allies, who are in panic mode looking at their internal polling, are doubling down on their desperate tactics, throwing everything they can at Donald Trump, including Hitler comparisons and fascist claims. It’s a frantic, last-minute effort to rally their base by slinging mud, but it’s looking more like a circus than a campaign.

Kamala’s fascist obsession: a case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

At a recent CNN town hall in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, Kamala Harris didn’t hold back. When Lefist Anderson Cooper asked if she thought Trump was a fascist, Harris replied, “Yes I do. Yes I do.”

Fascist? Look in the mirror, honey.

Trump fired back on Truth Social, blasting Kamala’s fascist remarks as desperate lies designed to distract from her own failures. He said, “Comrade Kamala Harris sees that she is losing, and losing badly, especially after stealing the Race from Crooked Joe Biden, so now she is increasingly raising her rhetoric, going so far as to call me Adolf Hitler, and anything else that comes to her warped mind. She is a Threat to Democracy, and not fit to be President of the United States – And her Polling so indicates.”

The fascist claim is a tired and extreme label that Kamala and the Never-Trumpers seem to be clinging to like a political life raft – along with their claim that Trump is a “threat to democracy” – even though THEY are the ones who installed a new presidential candidate in a coup against their own voters.

Kamala’s town hall show: evade, deflect, repeat.

You know what else Kamala did during the Pennsylvania town hall? Pretty much dodge every question – surprise, surprise. Instead of tackling the real issues (that she helped cause) like inflation, crime, or the surge in illegal immigration, she’d rather rant about Trump. Just watch any recent interview with her, and you’ll see an inept, gaslighting politician floundering out of her depth.

And Kamala’s slogan “Turn the Page” that she’s been running on is downright hilarious – because it’s a motto that works better for our side i.e. MAGA. Yes, let’s turn the page on Kamala and Joe. But seriously, what page is Kamala even referring to? She’s been in power right alongside Biden, co- authoring this entire mess of a story. And let’s be honest, Kamala has no intention of “turning” anything. She admitted as much on The View, saying she wouldn’t have done a single thing differently than Joe has.

Turning the page doesn’t mean anything different policy-wise. It just means that we’d have a younger, blacker, female president. That’s it. A “new generation” of tyranny.

Trump-hating John Kelly joins the fray with more name-calling and lies.

If Kamala calling Trump a fascist wasn’t enough, former Trump Chief of Staff John Kelly decided to add fuel to the fire. According to the lying Atlantic, Kelly accused Trump of praising Hitler’s generals and bemoaning U.S. military leaders’ loyalty to the Constitution over him.

In response, Trump unloaded a snark-filled tirade, calling Kelly a “degenerate,” “lowlife,” and – perhaps the strangest insult – “JELLO.”

The Atlantic uses a funeral of a soldier in vile lie about Trump.

Another (lying) bombshell claim from the Atlantic (which is owned by Kamala’s BFF) involves Trump’s handling of Vanessa Guillén’s funeral arrangements. Vanessa Guillén was a 20-year-old U.S. Army soldier stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, who was murdered in April 2020. Her disappearance and subsequent death gained national attention, sparking widespread outrage over how the military handles sexual harassment and violence.

Kelly claims Trump exploded when he saw a $60,000 bill for Guillén’s funeral, allegedly saying, “It doesn’t cost 60,000 bucks to bury a [expletive] Mexican!”

Trump denies this accusation, calling it a vile smear. But for Democrats, it’s just another story to sensationalize, regardless of whether it’s true.

Trump’s camp says that he tried to help the Guillén family financially, but the military ended up covering the funeral costs. Meanwhile, Guillén’s attorney released a statement praising Trump for his support during their time of grief, calling the new allegations ridiculous. And Guillén’s sister defended Trump as well and said she had voted for him. But for Democrats, the truth seems to be an inconvenient detail – just like the state of the economy or the border crisis.

 Dems’ desperation is showing.

Amid a sea of political jargon and fiery accusations, the Democrats’ playbook is simple: brand Trump as the next Hitler and mislead voters about both Trump and Kamala’s plans as president, all while hoping people overlook the real issues at hand.

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