Friday, July 26, 2024

It's Cartoon/Meme Time! #386


Peter Sweden: BANKRUPT- The WEF Agenda is FAILING!

Swedish company producing insects goes bankrupt due to low demand.

Klaus Scwhab’s World Economic Forum has been pushing for people to eat insects instead of meat to stop climate change. Because apparently cows are now bad for the planet and fart too much.

So a Swedish company called Tebrito has been working hard to produce mealworms for insect proteins to put in human food like granola and protein bars.

They got a whopping $4.2 million in investments to push this stuff.

And now they have gone bankrupt because it seems like nobody wants to eat their insects. In 2023 they only had a revenue of a meager $49.000 and losing almost $12.6 million!

In other words, nobody is buying their insects. Looks like people are REJECTING the WEF agenda.

And this isn’t the only thing that happened.

Last week another Swedish company called Mycorena went bankrupt. They got a whopping $27.8 million in investment to produce 3D printed fake meat made out of mycelium.

It is clear that even in liberal Sweden, people do not want to eat fake food.

I could have told you this and saved these investors their money. They invested large sums in insects and fake meat likely because it is being promoted by organizations like the WEF.

Obviously people do not want it and simply didn’t buy the fake food products. So they went bankrupt. Go woke, go broke.

But why is this stuff being pushed?

Well, let me tell you something that you won’t hear anywhere else!

It all goes back to the UN Agenda 2030, which is basically very similar to what the WEF is pushing.

They literally say the following:

”To reach the goals and the 2030 Agenda, the way we produce food – and the types of foods we eat – must change”.

In other words, they are pushing for fake foods in order to stop climate change.

This is the reason that farmers have been under attack. Climate change is being used as an excuse to control the food supply. Because that is what it is really about.

Control the food and you can control the people.

Make sure to read my article here where I do a deep dive into Agenda 2030 – You won’t get this news anywhere else!

Independent journalist Peter Imanuelsen has dedicated years to reporting the things the mainstream media ignores. You can follow him at

Trump Is Absolutely Smoking Kamala in Latest Rasmussen Poll

The time has officially come to pump the brakes on Vice President Kamala Harris’ 2024 presidential hype train.

On Thursday, Rasmussen released a poll showing former President Donald Trump with a 7-point lead over Harris (50 percent to 43 percent) in a head-to-head contest nationwide.

Since President Joe Biden’s strangely abrupt withdrawal from the presidential race on Sunday, the establishment media has worked overtime to manufacture enthusiasm for the unimpressive vice president.

With the help of their latest hoax, those efforts at times have appeared to give Republicans some reasons for concern.

Without creating complacency, however, the new Rasmussen poll should provide some reassurance that the presidential race has not fundamentally changed.

Kamala Issued Ludicrous Quote on Police - Get Ready for Massive Crime if She Wins

Despite the establishment’s fawning pro-Harris narrative, and despite a slew of polls this week that appeared to suggest a tightening race, the Rasmussen poll deserves special attention.

To understand why, readers should know two things.

First, Rasmussen has a recent history of accuracy far superior to that of nearly all other pollsters.

In fact, from a list of 25 pollsters who conducted polling late in the 2020 presidential election cycle, Rasmussen ranked as the third most accurate, according to Nate Silver of ABC News’ FiveThirtyEight.

Furthermore, Silver’s list became relevant again in late June when AtlasIntel, the low-volume pollster that topped the list, released a poll showing Trump leading Biden by 5.2-points nationally.

(Trafalgar Group, the second most accurate pollster from 2020, has not released a poll since March. But that poll showed Trump leading Biden, 43.1 percent – 39.8 percent.)

In other words, within the last month, 2020’s most accurate pollster showed Trump holding a 5.2-point lead. And now, 2020’s third most accurate pollster has shown Trump with a 7-point lead.

Second, Trump’s lead over Harris mirrors results Rasmussen polling has produced for the last five months.

For instance, in early April Rasmussen showed Trump with an 8-point lead over Biden. That was up from a 6-point lead in February.
Kamala Issued Ludicrous Quote on Police - Get Ready for Massive Crime if She Wins

In May, Rasmussen gave Trump a whopping 10-point lead in a three-way race that included Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

More importantly, Trump’s 7-point lead over Harris actually reflects a July bump for the former president.

On July 12, Rasmussen showed Trump with a 6-point head-to-head lead over Biden. One week later, on July 19, the pollster reported a 3-point Trump lead.

Individual polls, of course, mean little on their own. But patterns and histories tell us a great deal.

In this case, they tell us that the third most accurate pollster from the 2020 presidential election cycle has consistently returned polling results showing Trump with a significant lead nationwide, that the most recent poll conducted by 2020’s most accurate pollster showed the same result, and that Harris’ entrance into the presidential race has changed nothing.

Still yet, conservatives and Republicans would do well to ensure complacency doesn’t set in.

Kamala’s momentum may be a mirage right now, but leftists and Democrats were saying the same thing about Trump in 2016.

Trump warmly greets Netanyahu, wife at Mar-a-Lago, shows bullet wound

 Former President Donald Trump gave Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu a warm greeting Friday afternoon at Mar-a-Lago, giving his wife a kiss and embracing the Jewish leader before showing him where he was shot in the ear weeks ago.

Trump, 78, opened his arms to embrace the Netanyahus, saying, “Come on in, nice to see you.”

The GOP nominee then kissed Sara Netanyahu on both cheeks and pulled in the prime minister for a firm handshake.

Former President Donald Trump greeted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife, Sara, warmly Friday afternoon at Mar-a-Lago.

“The greatest dinner I ever had,” Trump said to the Jewish leader.

Inside Mar-a-Lago, the former president showed Netanyahu the bullet wound on his ear where he was shot by a gunman in Butler, Pa., on June 13.

Trump’s ear appeared to no longer be bandaged following an assassination attempt earlier in the month.Trump survived the assassination attempt and wore a bandage to cover his ear after the shooting.

Trump and Netanyahu had a close relationship during the former president’s term in the White House. Their relationship hit some snags after the prime minister congratulated President Biden for winning the 2020 election, which prompted Trump to say, “I haven’t spoken to him since” and “F–k him” at the time.

Trump gave Netanyahu’s wife a kiss before embracing the Jewish leader.
Trump and Netanyahu had a close relationship during the former president’s term in the White House.Crowds flocked the streets as Netanyahua's motorcade made it's way to Trump's Mar-A-Lago estate.
Crowds flocked the streets as Netanyahu’s motorcade made its way to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate.

But the relationship has since been thawing.

Netanyahu specifically touted Trump’s support of Israel during his congressional speech on Tuesday.

“I want to thank President Trump for his leadership in brokering the historic Abraham Accords. Like Americans, Israelis were relieved that President Trump emerged safe and sound from that dastardly attack on him, dastardly attack on American democracy. There is no room for political violence in democracies,” the Israeli leader said.

Netanyahu specifically touted Trump’s support of Israel during his congressional speech on Tuesday.
“I want to thank President Trump for his leadership in brokering the historic Abraham Accords. Like Americans, Israelis were relieved that President Trump emerged safe and sound from that dastardly attack on him, dastardly attack on American democracy. There is no room for political violence in democracies,” the Israeli leader said.

Trump said in the Mar-a-Lago meeting that if he were to win another term in office, “it’s all going to work out and very quickly.”

“If we don’t, you’re going to end up with major wars in the Middle East and maybe a Third World War. You are closer to a Third World War right now than at any time since the Second World War. You’ve never been so close because you have incompetent people running our country,” Trump said to the press.

The Trump meeting comes on the heels of Netanyahu arriving in Washington on Monday and not being met by President Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump said in the Mar-a-Lago meeting that if he were to win another term in office, “it’s all going to work out and very quickly.”
The Trump meeting came after Netanyahu was not met by President Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris when he arrived in Washington earlier in the week.

Neither Harris nor Biden attended his congressional speech on Tuesday, which was marred by protests outside the Capitol by Union Station, where anti-Israel demonstrators were burning American flags and announcing their support for Hamas.

Both Biden and Harris, who is now the presumptive Democratic nominee, met with Netanyahu at the White House on Wednesday. 

Biden, 81, expressed his desire for Israel to reach a deal with Hamas to release hostages and achieve a cease-fire “as soon as possible.”

Netanyahu addressed a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington on July 24.
Police officers stand guard in front of pro-Palestinian demonstrators as Netanyahu addressed Congress.

The president did not offer any flattering remarks to Netanyahu before their meeting. 

“Welcome back, Mr. Prime Minister, we got a lot to talk about, I think we should get to it — the floor is yours,” Biden said, shaking his hand.

Harris, after skipping the congressional speech to attend an event with her sorority, slammed the Jewish state leader over Israel’s approach to the Gaza Strip, saying she will not “remain silent” on the number of civilian casualties — while pledging “unwavering” support for Israel.

President Biden and Netanyahu held a bilateral meeting in the Oval Office on Thursday, July 25, 2024.
Vice President Harris also met with Netanyahu at the White House on July 25.

“What has happened in Gaza over the past nine months is devastating — the images of dead children and desperate, hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time,” she said after her first meeting with the Israeli leader since becoming the presumptive Democratic nominee.

“We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering and I will not be silent.”

It's Cartoon/Meme Time! #386