Saturday, February 12, 2022

Police move to clear Ambassador Bridge blockade, but protesters remain

 Despite a court injunction, police blockade and the threat of arrest, hundreds more joined the protest throughout the day

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Police started enforcement actions early Saturday morning at the site of the Ambassador Bridge blockade that has clogged the Canada-United States border crossing for the last week.

Efforts began at around 8:30 a.m. Dozens of officers formed a line across Huron Church Road, slowly walking away from the highway’s intersection with College Avenue where a crowd of protesters had been stationed only hours before. With that area cleared out, police inched towards Tecumseh Road West, face to face with a group of protesters walking backward.

As of 5:30 p.m., police had not moved for several hours. The crowd of protesters, however, had grown significantly, with an apparently steady stream of new arrivals joining the street-party atmosphere on foot.

Protesters, who are mostly not part of the original blockade, mingle freely up and down Huron Church Road late in the afternoon after police cleared a portion of the Ambassador Bridge blockade, on Saturday, February 12, 2022.
Protesters, who are mostly not part of the original blockade, mingle freely up and down Huron Church Road late in the afternoon after police cleared a portion of the Ambassador Bridge blockade, on Saturday, February 12, 2022. 

About an hour before, police began parking enforcement in the area, stating in a tweet that vehicles were being ticketed and towed. At the same time, concrete barriers were erected across Huron Church just behind the line of officers.

“I want everyone to know that Windsor police, OPP and the rest of our partners down here dealing with this are doing it in the safest manner possible,” said Windsor’s deputy police chief Jason Bellaire at a media update that morning. “We have gone through all the steps we can go through to try to resolve this peacefully through diplomacy, negotiation and we’re still working on that. We’re still prioritizing human life and human safety for everyone including the demonstrators.”

Asked if he had a message to protesters this morning, Bellaire said he encourages people to leave peacefully.

Protesters yell at police as they attempt to clear the anti-mandate blockade of the Ambassador Bridge on Huron Church Road, on Saturday, February 12, 2022.
Protesters yell at police as they attempt to clear the anti-mandate blockade of the Ambassador Bridge on Huron Church Road, on Saturday, February 12, 2022. 

“They have done their job trying to be heard, they’ve sent their message and I think the message now is changing and morphing into something they didn’t want it to be,” Bellaire said. “I would ask them, they have the power to stop this right now. They have the power to listen to the officers. The officers in good faith have negotiated and I would ask them for everyone’s benefit. The local community, the international community, for their own wellbeing, I would ask them to stop.”

Bellaire “couldn’t speculate” on whether the blockade would be completely cleared out on Saturday.

“It really depends on how things go and the interactions between demonstrators and the officers,” Bellaire said.

Despite the police blockade and the threat of arrest, hundreds more joined the protest throughout the day. Many arrived by vehicle, parking near Huron Church Road to the south, then walking north along the highway in droves. Earlier that morning, the officers on scene outnumbered protesters, but that changed within a few hours.

Protesters pack up supplies as a large police force attempts to end the anti-mandate blockade of the Ambassador Bridge on Huron Church Road, on Saturday, February 12, 2022.
Protesters pack up supplies as a large police force attempts to end the anti-mandate blockade of the Ambassador Bridge on Huron Church Road, on Saturday, February 12, 2022. 

Bellaire said police were prepared for growing numbers.

“They’ll deal with it as it comes in and if the numbers swell we’ll make the necessary adjustments in terms of how our operations are going,” he said.

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Bellaire said he couldn’t comment on the number of officers involved in Saturday’s enforcement action, but did say Windsor police had been joined by officers from the OPP and RCMP as well as London, Waterloo and Hamilton police forces.

As officers moved forward, protesters chanted, “Freedom!”

A man in a truck told police they were pathetic.

“You’re better than this,” a man with a megaphone told officers. “I know in your heart you’re better than this.”

Two tactical vehicles were on scene, as were city buses. All big rigs had left the area. Officers could be seen standing on the roof of a nearby building.

OPP officers in a marked cruiser could be seen sitting with about eight tow trucks lined up next to nearby Mic Mac Park.

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Windsor Star reporters on the ground saw many protesters leave willingly in the morning. As of around noon, enforcement has been peaceful, and no arrests had been made.

Protesters dismantled tents that served as food hubs. Vehicles left while other people cleared the site – including some who were sweeping up debris.

A large police force consisting of several armoured vehicles, pictured here, attempt to end the anti-mandate blockade of the Ambassador Bridge on Huron Church Road, on Saturday, February 12, 2022.
A large police force consisting of several armoured vehicles, pictured here, attempt to end the anti-mandate blockade of the Ambassador Bridge on Huron Church Road, on Saturday, February 12, 2022. 

Enforcement at the protest comes more than five days after protesters set up at the base of the Ambassador Bridge effectively closing the important international crossing in a statement against vaccine mandates.

Automakers – heavily impacted by the border closure at the bridge – with the backing of the City of Windsor sought and received an injunction that came into effect at 7 p.m. Friday night. New emergency measures enacted by the provincial government, came into effect at 12:01 a.m. Saturday morning.

“Bravo Canada, bravo Windsor,” said another man with a megaphone to his fellow protesters. “Keep your heads up. We did this.”

Shortly after 12 p.m., police in a tweet said one vehicle on Huron Church Road near the demonstration was towed at the owner’s request. The vehicle had a mechanical issue.

A large police force shows up to end the anti-mandate blockade of the Ambassador Bridge, on Saturday, February 12, 2022.
A large police force shows up to end the anti-mandate blockade of the Ambassador Bridge, on Saturday, February 12, 2022. 

“The population of Canada still has a backbone to stand up for their rights,” said one man. “They’re willing to fight for this country.”

A female protester who told the Star she was from Essex County said she worked in health care, but had been off the job for four months. She did not specify if a vaccine mandate prevented her from working.

“I don’t think (the protest) is really ending, but it’s ending here,” she said. “We just want to be heard. We want our freedoms. We want the mandates to end.

“There’ll be more protests, definitely, whether they’re on the sidewalks or driving around.”

Many children were present. Protesters set up tables with refreshments and snacks in between vehicles parked on Huron Church just south of College avenue.

More to come

Police move to clear Ambassador Bridge blockade, but protesters remain | National Post

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