Saturday, February 12, 2022

Biden Finally Addresses Border Crisis By Building Wall Around Canada

Biden said he has no tolerance for anyone trying to cross the northern border

February 12, 2022

WASHINGTON (Satire) – With the large influx of Canadians seeking refuge into America to escape political persecution, Joe Biden quickly put a stop to the asylum seekers by building a large wall along the entire border between the United States and Canada.

“America does not tolerate illegal aliens trying to cross the northern border into our country,” said Biden while thousands of illegal immigrants crossed the southern border unabated. “To stop this illegal Canadian invasion, my administration has just finished completion of our big, beautiful wall spanning thousands of miles across our northern border.”

To cope with the massive amount of Canadians trying to get into the US to escape dictator Justin Trudeau, Biden sent thousands of heavily armed ICE agents to the northern border with orders to shoot any asylum-seekers trying to climb over the wall.

U.S. officials said as an additional way to deter freedom-loving Canadians from trying to hop over the northern border, thousands of illegal immigrants who crossed the southern border were placed at Biden’s new border wall and told to laugh at the Canadians for not being allowed into the country.

In a statement early Saturday morning addressing the US/Canada border issue, Donald Trump said if he’s elected president in 2024 he promises to tear down the northern border wall and that Canada will be paying for it.

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