Saturday, February 12, 2022

Toronto-Dominion Bank Takes Action Against Freedom Convoy Accounts


Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD Bank) has frozen two personal bank accounts connected to the Freedom Convoy. The accounts had more than $1.1 million meant for the protesters who are fighting the vaccine mandates who are protesting across Canada, notably in Ottawa and at various border crossings.

From Reuters:

TD applied to the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on Friday to take the funds, which were sent through GoFundMe and bank transfers, so they can either be sent to the intended recipients or returned to the donors “who have requested refunds but whose entitlement to a refund cannot be determined by TD,” the bank said in a statement.

TD has been put “on notice that their actions are improper and disappointing,” Keith Wilson, a lawyer for the convoy, said in an email on Saturday, adding the convoy will seek a court order next week to release the donations to a new not-for-profit corporation that has been set up to manage and distribute them.

The bank has no shame, when they’re trying to turn over the funds to the government that were already in the bank accounts related to the Freedom Convoy. It’s a question if they can even do that.

GoFundMe closed down the page that had been raising money for the protesters on February 4, and they had to be shamed into refunding the money properly to the donors. The account had raised $10 million. But then the Convoy set up another account with GiveSendGo and raised money at an even faster rate.

On Thursday, the Ontario Superior Court ordered GiveSendGo to freeze their funds that were to aid the protest. But GiveSendGo refused. “We are also going to be taking the Ontario government to court to seek an immediate lifting of what we consider to be an unlawful order,” they said. The Convoy has raised $11 million with GiveSendGo.

Now, how long has this Freedom Convoy been going on? About three weeks or so, without any violence, unlike the BLM. Yet, governments and banks never made moves like this against their fundraising until recently. That’s especially ironic, since the BLM had no accountability for their funds. It just shows how political all this is.

But, if they think this is going to stop the Convoy, they’re sadly mistaken.

Toronto-Dominion Bank Takes Action Against Freedom Convoy Accounts – RedState

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