Sunday, August 30, 2020

Trump Unloads On Portland Democrat Mayor After He Refused Federal Help, Protester Killed

President Donald Trump unloaded on Portland Democratic Mayor Ted Wheeler on Sunday morning after a right-wing protester was killed in the city following Wheeler’s decision to reject federal assistance from the Trump administration.

“The shooting happened after right-wing protesters drove trucks around the city with American flags and Trump flags and were met by far-left antifa activists who blocked traffic and threw things at the vehicles, which often elicited a response from the vehicles,” The Daily Wire reported. “Video of the attack that was posted online showed the shooting and, according to two journalists, appeared to show someone saying, ‘we got a Trumper right here,’ before two fatal shots were fired at the victim.”

The president retweeted dozens of tweets, quote retweeted other tweets, and added additional tweets attacking Wheeler over the chaos in the city.

Trump highlighted a video that showed far-left antifa extremists throwing objects and liquids, which some journalists said was urine, at a caravan of trucks that had American and Trump flags.

“The big backlash going on in Portland cannot be unexpected after 95 days of watching and incompetent Mayor admit that he has no idea what he is doing,” Trump tweeted. “The people of Portland won’t put up with no safety any longer.The Mayor is a FOOL. Bring in the National Guard!”

“Our great National Guard could solve these problems in less than 1 hour. Local authorities must ask before it is too late. People of Portland, and other Democrat run cities, are disgusted with Schumer, Pelosi, and their local ‘leaders’. They want Law & Order!,” Trump continued, later adding: “Wheeler is incompetent, much like Sleepy Joe Biden. This is not what our great Country wants. They want Safety & Security, and do NOT want to Defund our Police!”

Trump quote retweeted another video that showed far-left antifa extremists attacking people walking on a sidewalk, writing: “ANTIFA is a Radical Left group that only wants bad things for our Country. They are supported by $FOOLS!”

Videos that were posed online showed the far-left antifa extremists celebrating after learning that the right-wing protester had been killed.

“It is still early in this investigation, and I ask everyone to give the detectives time to do their important work before drawing conclusions about what took place,” said Police Chief Chuck Lovell. “If anyone can provide information about this case, I ask them to please reach out to our detectives. This violence is completely unacceptable and we are working diligently to find and apprehend the individual or individuals responsible.”

Wheeler rejected an offer from the president to come in and clean up the streets by using the national guard.

Wheeler said in a letter:

Yet again, you said you offered to aid Portland by sending in federal law enforcement to our city.

On behalf of the City of Portland: No thanks.

We don’t need your politics of division and demagoguery. Portlanders are onto you. We have already seen your reckless disregard for human life in your bumbling response to the COVID pandemic. And we know you’ve reached the conclusion that images of violence or vandalism are your only ticket to reelection.

There is no place for looting, arson, or vandalism in our city. There is no room here for racist violence or those who wish to bring their ideology of hate into our community. Those who commit criminal acts will be apprehended and prosecuted under the law.

Tens of thousands of Portlanders have peacefully protested and marched for the noble cause of fixing our broken criminal justice system. They are part of the proud progressive tradition of Portlanders fighting for justice – from racial justice to economic justice to environmental justice.

When you sent the Feds to Portland last month, you made the situation far worse. Your offer to repeat that disaster is a cynical attempt to stoke fear and distract us from the real work of our city.

In Portland, we are focused on coming together as a community to solve the serious challenges we face due to systemic racism, a global pandemic and an economic recession.

Stay away, please.

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