Thursday, August 27, 2020

DC Mayor Bowser condemns ‘highly inappropriate’ behavior of Black Lives Matter protesters berating diners

 Washington, D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser condemned protesters who harassed diners who did not raise their fists with Black Lives Matter demonstrators.

Washington Post writer Frederick Kunkle posted a video Tuesday of Black Lives Matter protesters confronting White diners outside D.C. restaurants, chanting “White Silence is violence!” and demanding the diners show solidarity by raising their fist.

“What I saw in those videos was highly inappropriate,” Bowser said, according to Washington Post reporter Fenit Nirappil. “It was likely against the law if they were on private property but more importantly, I don’t think it had anything to do with demands for social justice.”

"We would encourage any diner or restaurant to call the police immediately," the mayor continued.

She later added that D.C. residents would not be "bullied out of living their everyday lives."


In one viral video the group of protesters surrounded D.C. diner Lauren Victor, who had not responded to their calls for a show of solidarity. “Are you a Chrisitan?” one female protester demanded. Most of the people at the front of the group of protesters confronting diners were White, the video revealed.

“What was in you, you couldn’t do this?” Chuck Modiano, who identified himself as a Deadspin citizen journalist, asked Victor.

“I felt I was under attack,” Victor replied, adding that she felt something was wrong about being coerced to support.

“In the moment, it didn’t feel right,” Kunkle reported that Victor said, “I’m very much with them. I’ve been marching with them for weeks and weeks and weeks.”

Another video that went viral Monday showed a man and a woman sitting outside a restaurant when a crowd of protesters confronted them.

Other diners nearby all complied with the protesters’ demands to raise their fists, but the man and woman kept their hands on the table. The protesters screamed expletives at the couple as they demanded they raise their fists. One protester appeared to yell at the man, “Pasty piece of sh--.”

Protests restarted nationwide Sunday after police shot 29-year-old Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wis., reportedly paralyzing him from the waist down.

Video of the incident showed police trying to apprehend Blake when he walked around his car and opened the driver’s side door. An officer was then seen firing multiple shots at Blake from close range.

Blake’s father told the Chicago Sun-Times on Tuesday that his son was paralyzed from the waist down, and doctors were unsure if he’ll recover from his injuries.

The mother of Blake has begged protesters to cease the rioting and violence.

"As I was riding through here, this city, I noticed a lot of damage and it doesn't reflect my son," Julia Jackson said. "So I'm really asking, and encouraging everyone in Wisconsin and abroad to take a moment and examine your heart. As I pray for my son's healing...I also have been praying even before this for the healing of our country."

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