Friday, August 2, 2024

BREAKING: Joe Biden BLAMES Netanyahu for escalating tensions in the Middle East in phone call, warns him to stop or else…


It’s being reported this morning that Joe Biden actually blamed Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu for escalating tensions in the Middle East after the recent assassinations.

Biden was apparently more upset about the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh and the fact that Netanyahu didn’t tell him it was going to happen.

And what’s more unreal is that, while the US will help Israel deal with the imminent Iranian threat, Biden warned Netanyahu to stop escalating tensions or the US won’t be there to bail him out in the future.

Here’s more from Axios:

President Biden privately demanded in a “tough” call Thursday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stop escalating tensions in the region and move immediately toward a Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal, two U.S. officials told Axios.
Biden and his top aides are deeply frustrated by the fallout from Israel’s assassinations in Beirut and Tehran, which took place less than a week after Netanyahu’s first visit to the Oval Office in four years.
U.S. officials don’t mourn the deaths of either Hezbollah’s top military commander Fuad Shukr, who was involved in killing 241 U.S. Marines in Beirut in 1983, or Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh, who celebrated the Oct. 7 massacre.
But they feel that Netanyahu kept Biden in the dark over his plans to carry out the assassinations, after leaving the impression last week that he was attentive to the president’s request to focus on getting a Gaza deal.
The Biden administration has put a hostage and ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas at the center of its entire post-war strategy in the Middle East.
U.S. officials told Axios Biden called Netanyahu to discuss U.S.-Israeli joint military preparations for retaliations by Iran and Hezbollah — but also to make clear he was not pleased with the direction the Israeli prime minister has taken in the last week.
One U.S. official said Biden complained to Netanyahu that the two had just spoken last week in the Oval Office about securing the hostage deal, but instead Netanyahu went ahead with the assassination in Tehran.
Biden then told Netanyahu the U.S. will help Israel defeat an Iranian attack, but after that he expects no more escalation from the Israeli side and immediate movement toward a hostage deal, the U.S. official said.
Biden also warned Netanyahu that if he escalates again, he shouldn’t count on the U.S. to bail him out, the U.S. official added.

Only an a-hole Democrat like Joe Biden would blame Netanyahu for escalating tensions, when Israel is simply defending itself from terrorist attacks being carried out on their soil. We’re talking about Hamas and Hezbollah terrorist leaders, who don’t deserve to live after the atrocious attacks that have been carried out.

Iran is the ones escalating tensions in the region with all of these attacks. They are the ones funding Hamas and Hezbollah and supplying them with weapons so that these horrific attacks can be carried out against Israel.

Why isn’t Joe Biden sending these messages to Iran? Why isn’t he being tough on Iran?? Why does he appear to always want to appease Iran but when it comes to Israel, he withhold weapons and gives them ultimatums to stop ‘escalating tensions’???

This is why Trump must win. We must do away with this Biden brand of appeasement that is really to blame for the Middle East tensions. Biden blames Netanyahu, but he’s the one sending Iran billions of dollars both directly and indirectly, just like Obama did. And look where it’s gotten us. How many people have died because of Biden’s desire to appease terrorists???

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