Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Juneteenth - The Real Story!

Juneteenth commemorates how Republicans liberated the last remaining slaves held by Democrats.

“Today, the Democrats are economically enslaving Blacks and have turned inner city communities into modern plantations of welfare and economic dependence. Juneteenth is a celebration of why the Republican Party was established in 1854, the abolition of slavery. Only a flaming incompetent idiot would give the party of the jackass any credit for Juneteenth.” —Allen West, former Chairman of the Texas Republican Party.

That is the irrevocable history of the Democrat record.

Democrats were, and remain, the architects of white supremacy, and the political beneficiaries of the “systemic racism” they propagate. Democrats turned Martin Luther King’s dream into a nightmare for tens of millions of black men, women, and children.

Their “Great Society” programs institutionalized systemic poverty, enslaving generations of poor black Americans on urban poverty plantations. And they are responsible for the unmitigated black-on-black violence plaguing those urban centers. So why are Democrats so intent on memorializing an extraordinary Republican accomplishment? Many reasons, but deceitful pandering is chief among them.

Now, don’t get us wrong — Juneteenth should be celebrated. It marks the liberation of the last slaves in America on June 19, 1865, in Galveston, Texas, and it was the real-world end of an evil institution in this country. Some 47 states, including Texas, already observe it as a holiday. It ought to be a unifying occasion for Americans of every race.

“It has been a state holiday in Texas for more than 40 years,” said Texas Senator John Cornyn, the Republican author of the bill making it a federal holiday. “Now more than ever, we need to learn from our history and continue to form a more perfect union.”

The unfortunate thing about a unifying thing like this is the divisive politics. Democrats have spent the last several decades falsely insisting that the parties “switched” sides, especially on the issue of race. The entire reason for this phony narrative is that Democrats see political advantage not in debating ideas but in casting their opponents as racists.

That’s a game these hypocrites ought not to play, given that the Democrat Party is the party of slavery, segregation, the KKK, and the modern welfare state, while the Republican Party was founded in large part to advance abolition and remains the party of individual Liberty.

It’s why Democrats are busy pushing “equity” in everything they do, including pushing racist indoctrination in schools and working to revamp the entire American election system.

No doubt, Democrats will trot out their slave-trader garb to mark Juneteenth, to keep their hate-hustling division front and center, in defiance of what the once-great civil rights leaders declared of such division and hatred.

They won’t mention that this federal holiday was proposed by their arch nemesis, Republican President Donald Trump.

Americans could move beyond the racial divide if Democrats would let us. Nevertheless, we’re not naive enough to think that the better angels of our nature are always going to prevail, especially when there’s political gain in fomenting division. But what if all Americans of every race could celebrate Liberty together? If that’s the real result of Juneteenth, it’s a day worth commemorating.

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