Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Biden’s Next Mass Amnesty

The vote-pilfering commander-in-chief welcomes illegals who have married U.S. citizens.

President Joe Biden’s border policies have been blatantly bad from the start. He has welcomed in millions of illegal immigrants and shipped them all over the American interior; repealed a plethora of former President Donald Trump’s effective policies that kept the flow of illegal migration at bay; and been trying to spin his own failures as the Republicans’ fault.

This week, Biden announced yet another conniving border policy change. Dubbed “Parole in Place,” he wants to provide a pathway to citizenship for those illegals who have married a U.S. citizen or are children of a U.S. citizen. Applicants need to have lived in the U.S. for at least 10 years. According to The Washington Post, “Officials said the majority of immigrants expected to benefit from the program are Mexican nationals who have lived in the United States for an average of 23 years. Applicants who are approved will have three years to apply for permanent residency, also known as a green card, and will have work permits in the meantime.”

This new mass amnesty program would prevent the deportation of hundreds of thousands of migrants. It’s Biden’s way of circumventing existing U.S. immigration law that prevents illegal immigrants from getting green cards.

Then there’s the other bit of vote-buying policy that Biden is expected to announce in honor of former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This new policy would benefit DACA kids if they’ve earned a degree from a U.S. college or university and are working for a U.S.-based company. They would be afforded a work visa and a pathway to citizenship.

Both policies are an attempt by Biden to buy votes for November’s election and proactively protect illegal immigrants from Trump’s promised mass deportation should he reenter the White House. This cynical move should prove to be deeply unpopular considering most of the country is outraged by his open border and would support mass deportations. The last thing Americans want is more mass amnesty of unvetted individuals, some of whom commit rape and murder and all of whom have already proven that they don’t care about following our country’s laws.

Those who have Biden’s ears have convinced him that if he cares more about Americans being upset with his border invasion than about the “Dreamers,” it’ll hurt his election chances in November. These Democrats were upset that Biden’s recent executive order would ostensibly limit illegal border crossings and not at all protect those who have already entered the country illegally.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Whip Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) complained, “I was deeply disappointed by last week’s executive order, which significantly bars asylum-seekers and provides no relief to our immigrant communities. We know that enforcement-only policies will not work and have never worked. They didn’t work under Trump, and they are not going to work under this administration.”

They didn’t work? Let’s check the scoreboard. Over the past three years of Biden’s presidency, how many illegal crossings have been documented? Close to 11 million. (Known gotaways are approaching two million.) During Trump’s tenure, from 2017-2019, only 1,574,183 encounters were recorded.

What’s even more astonishing is that despite the crime waves that inevitably follow migration influxes, so far, there hasn’t been a huge terrorist attack on our soil. There’s apparently been a foiled one, which should give us all pause.

Biden is attempting yet again to split the baby. He does it in every other domain of his presidency, so why not immigration? His executive order a few weeks ago was meant to appease low-information voters’ concerns about the southern border (without actually doing anything at all), and his new policies are meant to placate the advocacy groups and far-left extremists.

Ultimately, no one is happy and the invasion continues apace.

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