Saturday, June 29, 2024

EXPOSED: Gavin Newsom Had Dirty Sex Affair With Wife Of Close Friend

Joe Biden claims he’s not quitting the race for President….and I believe him.

But he may not have a choice in the matter, if you catch my drift:

So what happens if Joe ends up “dying suddenly”?

Then the literal Las Vegas betting odds are telling you we’re going to get California’s Gavin Newsom in his place.

I know, vomit!

But you have to deal with the cards you are dealt, and if we have to tolerate seeing this smarmy face for the next 5 months, we may as well get ahead of it.

So that’s what we’re doing.

How much do you know about Gavin Newsom?

Well, you probably know he was Mayor of San Fransisco, and proceeded to destroy that once great city.

Then he became Governor of California, and absolutely decimated that beautiful state.

Now he has aspirations of President…and you can fill in the back half of the sentence as to what you think will happen to the USA if he attains that goal.

So it’s my job to make sure you have all the information before you vote in this upcoming election.

I certainly can’t tell you how to vote, I’m simply here to print the truth and inform the public and then let you decide!

So let’s print some truth, shall we?

Have you seen this?

Wow, is that true?


Let’s dig in….

First though, just a question.

Why do the Democrats always try to claim the moral high ground when they are almost always the most sleazy, despicable humans on the planet?

Let’s just go to Grok to find out how much of this is true:


I love what Vinny posted — here’s the apology video where he admits it and apologizes for being a huge slime ball….and then he tags it with “Please do NOT repost this.”  LOL!

Laura Loomer put it a little more bluntly:

Many accounts are alleging this was not an isolated incident but rather part of a pattern of very disturbing behavior (EDITOR’S NOTE: we cannot confirm these other incidents, only the one Gavin Newsom has admitted):

Jennifer Van Laar over at RedState put out a fantastic article — go read it in full here — here is just a portion:

After Thursday night’s debate, California Gov. Gavin Newsom made the rounds in the spin room as a surrogate for Joe Biden but ended up being the belle of the ball as Democrats desperately seek any alternative to the elderly president. Newsom vigorously defended Biden and quickly quashed any thoughts that he could replace Biden on the ballot then took his Twitter trolling to live TV with this gem:

Of course, Newsom then had to tweet out the clip (complete with Alex Wagner nearly drooling over him) with the insult written out.

Newsom hurled this out there despite having been in the uncomfortable – and losing – position of having to admit at a press conference back in February 2007 that he’d been having an affair with his scheduling secretary, Ruby Rippey-Tourk, who also happened to be his best friend’s wife. At that time Newsom was the mayor of San Francisco, and Rippey-Tourk’s husband, Alex, was also working as his Deputy Chief of Staff.

Newsom said, in part:

I want to make it clear that everything you’ve heard and read is true, and I am deeply sorry about that. I’ve hurt someone I care deeply about, Alex Tourk, and his friends and family, and that is something that I have to live with and something that I am deeply sorry for.

I also want to extend a personal apology to everyone in our administration, tomy staff that I just met with, to my friends and my family members. I am deeply sorry and am accountable for what has occurred and have now begun the process of reconciling it, and now will be working aggressively to advance our agenda in the city and to work hard to build again the trust and restore the trust that the people of San Francisco have afforded me.

Here are more details on the scandal, courtesy of ChatGPT:

Yes, Gavin Newsom, the current Governor of California, was involved in a scandal in 2007 when it was revealed that he had an affair with Ruby Rippey-Tourk, who was the wife of his close friend and then-campaign manager, Alex Tourk.

Details of the Scandal:

  1. Affair Revelation:
    • The affair came to light in January 2007 when Ruby Rippey-Tourk confessed to her husband, Alex Tourk, about the affair during a session with her recovery coach, as she was dealing with substance abuse issues.
    • Alex Tourk, who had been Newsom’s campaign manager and deputy chief of staff, confronted Newsom and subsequently resigned from his position.
  2. Public Apology:
    • Newsom publicly acknowledged the affair and issued an apology. He expressed deep remorse and took full responsibility for his actions.
    • In his apology, he stated, “I am deeply sorry for my personal mistakes and for the pain they have caused my family, my friends, and the people who support me.”
  3. Impact on Newsom’s Personal and Professional Life:
    • The scandal had significant repercussions on Newsom’s personal life. At the time, he was going through a divorce from his then-wife, Kimberly Guilfoyle.
    • Despite the scandal, Newsom continued his political career. He faced public scrutiny and criticism, but he managed to retain his position as the Mayor of San Francisco.
  4. Aftermath:
    • Ruby Rippey-Tourk’s admission was part of her recovery process from addiction, and she continued with her rehabilitation efforts.
    • Alex Tourk left his role as Newsom’s campaign manager but remained in politics, working as a political consultant.

The comments are absolutely killer:

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