Saturday, August 5, 2023

A top Democrat’s Dress Whites demand just destroyed citizens’ hopes to stop the chaos in their blue dystopia


America’s large cities have faced a steepening decline rapidly with problems of crime, drug abuse and homelessness far from fixed under the far-left governance.

Citizens in one of the worst of the worst cities on America’s left coast saw a glimmer of light but they are finding out it could be a train.

And citizens’ hopes to stop the chaos in their blue dystopia could be crushed following a top Democrat’s Dress Whites demand.

Seattle’s mayor is getting lambasted after one racially-charged demand

Seattle Mayor Bruce Harrell (D) is a leftist radical through and through.

After he succeeded his Democrat predecessor Jenny Durkan at the beginning of 2022, there was a hope that perhaps Harrell would temper some of the more radical tendencies of Durkan’s tenure, but it’s clear now that this simply isn’t to be.

According to a memo, Harrell’s office demanded the Seattle Police Department (SPD) show fewer white men and “military bearing” in recruitment materials.

The powers that be must have realized that this move would be highly improper and unpopular, as the document was apparently destroyed and the mayor’s office did not initially turn it over through a public disclosure request, even though it was legally bound to do so.

Harrell announced a recruitment and retention plan in July 2022, where he pledged to hire 500 cops by 2027.

As part of this plan, he envisioned a police department with “diverse racial and immigration backgrounds” and called for a “new kind of officer.”

In carrying out that plan it became clear that what he really wanted was fewer white men and military veterans at a time when the department is dangerously and desperately short of police officers.

Ben Dalgetty, a Digital Strategy Lead from Harrell’s office, directed the SPD marketing efforts.

Deliberately exclusionary recruitment efforts

In a memo to SPD human resources staff titled “SPD Marketing More and Less,” he asked for fewer images and videos of “officers who are white, male,” and “officers with military bearing.”

He explicitly stated that he wanted more “officers of color,” “officers of different genders,” and “officers who are younger.”

A department source told The Jason Rantz Show on KTTH on the condition of anonymity, “It shows not only a lack of respect for officers, but a lack of respect for the military. They have no understanding of someone willing to put their lives on the line for their fellow man. They don’t have respect.”

The source claimed that after Dalgetty learned that the memo raised significant concerns, he edited the file of the memo, destroying a record that the city was obliged to maintain for public disclosure.

Several within the SPD were livid with the memo, the original version of which was not supplied via a public disclosure request.

Joshua Brittingham, a labor and employment attorney with Carney Badley Spellman, said the memo could haunt the city of Seattle should anyone make a legal claim of discrimination.

He said, “Employment laws prohibit refusing to hire, terminating, or discriminating against any person in wages or in other terms or conditions of employment based on race and veteran/military status. In the event of such discrimination—for example, an officer demoted or fired because he was white or a veteran—the memo might be used as evidence to demonstrate illegal discriminatory intent.”

In the end, this is just one more example of leftist politics running amok.

Instead of focusing on reducing crime and drug use and getting criminals off the streets, local government is going down the divisive rabbit hole of racial politics and grievances, and it’s the everyday law-abiding citizens that will suffer from the mismanagement.

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