Friday, January 20, 2023

Please join me supporting the "Old Glory Only Act" by contacting your representative...


Congressman Jeff Duncan (R-SC) has introduced a bill that will put an end to one disturbing social activism practice by government employees.

The Old Glory Only Act (H.R.146) will officially prohibit the flying of gay pride, Black Lives Matter or other flags other than the American flag over U.S. embassies and consulates around the world.

According to FoxNews, the push to fly the rainbow pride flag started in 2014, under the Obama administration. The pride flag has flown over the embassies in more than a dozen countries since then, including Russia, Spain, Sweden and South Korea.

The Black Lives Matter flag has been flown at U.S. embassies in Brazil, Greece, Spain, Bosnia, Cambodia and South Korea.

Rep. Duncan said, "Our beautiful flag, Old Glory, should be the only flag flying and representing our country over our diplomatic and consular posts worldwide. The American flag is a beacon of liberty, and no other flag or symbol better portrays our shared values than the Stars and Stripes."

The bill has been referred to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and you can help it go to the floor for a vote by taking action today!


Send a message to your representative now, urging him or her to sign on as a patriotic co-sponsor of the Old Glory Only Act.

The American flag is a symbol of hope and promise to all who see it. Allowing that image to be tarnished by the divisive messages of other flags can be stopped by your action!


Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

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