Thursday, January 5, 2023

Analysis: Nearly 400K Anchor Babies Born Across U.S. Last Year, Exceeding Population of Cleveland*************Abortion Statistics

Illegal aliens, tourists, and foreign visa workers delivered nearly 400,000 children across the United States last year, exceeding the populations of many American cities like Cleveland, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Newark, New Jersey; and Orlando, Florida, among others.

Analysis conducted in 2018 by the Center for Immigration Studies reveals that nearly 400,000 “anchor babies,” the term used to describe the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens, are delivered across all 50 states each year.

Anchor babies are rewarded with birthright American citizenship despite their parents having no legitimate ties to the U.S., many having only recently arrived. Years later, when the child is considered an adult, they can sponsor their parents and foreign relatives for green cards — anchoring their family in the U.S. for generations.

In 2022, some 300,000 anchor babies are estimated to have been delivered to illegal alien parents. In addition, about 72,000 anchor babies were estimated to have been delivered to foreign tourists, foreign visa workers, and foreign students.

An immigrant family from Haiti waits to be taken into custody at the U.S.-Mexico border on December 07, 2021 in Yuma, Arizona. In many cases, migrant families with pregnant mothers are allowed by Mexican immigration officials to proceed to the U.S. border, where they can apply for asylum.

The estimate indicates that the number of anchor babies born last year exceeds the population of cities like Cleveland, Ohio; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Newark, New Jersey; Orlando, Florida; Honolulu, Hawaii; Lexington, Kentucky; and St. Louis, Missouri, among others.

The late Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) once denounced the nation’s anchor baby policy.

“If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn’t enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant,” Reid said on the Senate floor in 1993:

No sane country would do that, right? Think again. If you break our laws by entering this [country] without permission and give birth to a child, we reward that child with U.S. citizenship — a guarantee of full access to public and social services that this society provides. [Emphasis added]

To date, the U.S. Supreme Court has never explicitly ruled that the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens must be granted automatic American citizenship, and a number of legal scholars dispute the idea.

Many leading conservative scholars argue the Citizenship Clause of the 14th Amendment does not provide mandatory birthright citizenship to the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens or noncitizens, because these children are not subject to U.S. jurisdiction as that language was understood when the 14th Amendment was ratified.

The last analysis to estimate the nation’s anchor baby population, published in 2017 by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), found that at least 4.5 million anchor babies reside in the U.S.


Abortion Statistics

  • Total number of abortions in the U.S. 1973-2020: 63.6 million +
  • 198 abortions per 1,000 live births (according to the Centers for Disease Control)
  • Abortions per 100 pregnancies: 20.3 (Guttmacher Institute)
  • U.S. abortions in 2020: ~930,160 (GI)
  • Abortions per day: ~2,548 (GI)
  • Abortions per hour: ~106 (GI)
  • 1 abortion every 34 seconds (GI)
  • 14.4 abortions/1,000 women aged 15-44 in 2020 (GI)
  • 20.6% of pregnancies in 2020 ended in abortion, compared to 18.4% in 2017 (GI)
  • Pill abortions account for 53% of all U.S abortions in 2020 (GI)

These statistics include only surgical and pill abortions. Because many contraceptive measures are abortifacients (drugs that induce or cause abortions), it is important not to overlook the number of children killed by chemical abortions. Since 1965, an average of 11 million women have used abortifacient methods of birth control in the United States at any given time. Using formulas based on the way the birth control pill works, pharmacy experts project that about 14 million chemical abortions occur in the United States each year, providing a projected total well in excess of 610 million chemical abortions between 1965 and 2009.

When conducting research on abortion statistics, you may also encounter two different sets of numbers. One set is from the Centers for Disease Control, and the other is from the Guttmacher Institute—the “independent research arm” of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.

The Guttmacher Institute totals are actually the more accurate since the Institute conducts private research on abortion providers throughout the country and because not all states are required to report to the CDC. In fact, California and New York—where high numbers of abortions occur—are not included in CDC figures.

  • PP non-government clinic income: $353.9 million 
  • PP donations revenue: $579.3 million ($1.59 million/day)
  • PP government grants and reimbursements: $633.4 million ($1.74 million/day)
  • Total profit: $133.7 million
  • Total income: $1.714 billion
  • Number of abortions (medical and surgical): 383,460
  • Total number of abortions per week: 7,374
  • Total number of abortions per day: 1,053
  • Total number of abortions per second: 82 (1min, 22 sec)
  • Adoption referrals: 1,940
  • Ratio of adoption referrals to abortions: 1 per 198

According to the CDC 38% of abortions are done on non-Hispanic Black mothers. Using this data:

  • Per year estimate: 134,850
  • Per day estimate: 369
  • Per hour estimate: 15
  • Total PP facilities: 567
  • Total PP facilities that perform surgical and medical abortions: 391
  • Total affiliates: 49
  • Highest number of PP facilities: 938 in 1995
(according to 2020 U.S. census)
  • White: 72.9% (47,029,969)
  • Black: 15.1% (9,748,829)
  • Other: 8.8% (5,683,408)

TOTAL: 64,543,832

(according to Centers for Disease Control)
  • White: 38.7%; 6.3 abortions per 1000 women; 110 abortions per live births
  • Black: 33.6%; 21.2 abortions per 1000 women; 335 abortions per live births
  • Hispanic: 20%; 10.9 abortions per 1000 women; 158 abortions per live births
  • Other: 7.7%; 11.9 abortions per 1000 women; 213 abortions per live births
(according to the National Center for Health Statistics)
  • 1990: White: 1.85     Black: 2.55     Hispanic: 2.96
  • 2010: White: 1.79     Black: 1.97     Hispanic: 2.35
  • 2018: White: 1.64     Black: 1.79     Hispanic: 1.96

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