Friday, May 27, 2022





Dear friend,

I am heartbroken. At least 19 children—and 2 educators—were killed at Robb Elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

These were 4th grade kids who were excited for summer but murdered by weapons of war. My heart is with the families and loved ones of these kids and educators—not to mention the kids and educators who will carry the trauma of that day with them for the rest of their lives.

But I’m also furious. A lot of people have characterized this tragedy as unthinkable. That’s not true. Parents think about this kind of tragedy every time they drop their kids off at school. What is unthinkable is that every time this happens, nothing changes.

Do you agree that we need to pass common-sense gun safety legislation?


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Every time we try to even debate common-sense gun safety legislation, Republicans stand in the way. But we don’t have to live like this—this is a solvable problem.

This week, I spoke on the Senate floor about this tragedy—and why it’s past time for Republicans to get their heads out of the sand and work with Democrats on gun safety laws that will keep our kids and communities safe. Click below to watch.


I’m going to keep fighting to pass common-sense laws that will help our kids feel safe at school—laws like universal background checks, red-flag laws, an assault weapons ban and more. Americans should not be fearing for their lives when they go to the grocery store, or the movies, or a concert. This doesn’t have to be who we are.

To all the students, parents, grandparents, and educators in Washington state, I want you to know that I’m not going to stay quiet. I’ll keep pushing for change with everything that I've got—and I hope you’ll join me.

In service,

Patty Murray
United States Senator for Washington State

P.S. if you’re having trouble completing my survey, you might be on a virtual private network (VPN). Try opening this email on a different connection to submit your response.



What part of "..shall not be infringed.." needs to be explained to you? All gun laws are illegal because they do NOT supersede the United States Constitution.  Law abiding citizens do not want Democrats turning us into criminals for exercising our Constitutional Second Amendment rights.

Every statistic proves that an armed society is a safer society with less violent crime. I know that facts are hard for you and Schumer, but at least try. Every single city (most run by democrats) that has strict gun laws have the highest violent crime rates. Allow law abiding citizens to protect themselves and loved ones.  Put fear into the criminals, not us.

We The People are sick of the elite agenda that constantly hurts us. We want you out of our lives. I blame Democrats for every evil in our nation. You support and push anything and everything that is unGodly and destructive. The Democrat party has been evil since its inception.  It was Democrats who said they would not sign the Declaration of Independence if there was any anti-slavery language in it. It was Democrats who profited from slavery, who gave us Jim Crow laws, Segregation and the KKK. It was Democrats who gave us Planned Parenthood with Margret Sanger to rid us of blacks whom they considered to be weeds. From that horrible sin we have murder millions of our own people in a genocide that you want to justify as women's health. It was Democrats who gave away the control of the nation's wealth with the Federal Reserve.  It was Democrats who gave us poverty as a way of life through welfare and no accountability.  It's still Democrats who would rather reward the lazy, the criminal, the addicted and the immoral over those law abiding citizens who work hard and smart and pay for the nation. You are an evil, destructive, nasty, group of Satanic liars. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it's still a pig.  You'll say whatever it takes to con people while stabbing them in the back.

Zero new gun laws are needed, Senator. We need to arm up and be safe from predators. We need to make our schools hard targets. We need to heavily punish those who would use firearms illegally. We need stiff drug laws. We need stiff penalties for violent crime. We need lawmakers, judges and prosecutors who believe in law and order and the Constitution. Washington State and Washington D.C. governments have a great deal in common - none of it good. Back off. Get out of our lives. Get out of your bubble and listen to those of us who have to live with your horrible policies and agendas.

You, Senator Murray, have NEVER represented me. You have NEVER actually addressed one item that I have posed to you. You are an out-of-touch mini-tyrant who doesn't have time for anyone who disagrees with your WEF/2030 Agenda/NWO/Young Globalist Leaders talking points. I've got news for you: Klaus Schwab, the EU Royalty and those at DAVOS consider you and those like you as puppets. You mean nothing to them and your eternal reward will be the flames of Hell. 

Every time I try to buy gas or groceries, I ask God to punish the Democrats. What you don't seem to understand is that even though Biden and the Democrats have caused massive inflation and ruined our energy resources, as seniors who live on a fixed Social Security income, my husband and I have no way to increase our income.  We just become poorer. Thanks a bunch.

I highly doubt that you or anyone from your office will actually read this. After the first sentence, you're done. Typical, worthless, destructive politician who does not represent anyone. You and your ilk will never be leaders. 

By the way, I've wondered about something for a very long time. Is your nose permanently attached to Chuck Schumer's butt? Just curious.

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