Monday, November 1, 2021

REPORT: Herschel Walker Has A Huge Lead In Georgia GOP Senate Primary

In the race for the Republican nomination to run for Senate in Georgia, former NFL star Herschel Walker is running away with it.

The Trump endorsed Walker holds a significant lead on all the other candidates.

If this trend continues, Walker will easily be the candidate and that’s not a bad thing.

Breitbart News reports:

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Poll: Trump-Endorsed Herschel Walker Far Ahead in Georgia Senate Primary

The Trump-endorsed Republican candidate Herschel Walker shows a massive lead in the Georgia Senate GOP primary, according to an On Message Inc. poll. 

The one-time football great received 74 percent of the vote in the Republican primary. However, among respondents who identified as “conservative,” Walker received 81 percent and lowered slightly to 61 percent for respondents who identified as “moderate.” Both are far ahead of any other possible candidate.

Overall, Gary Black was the closest competitor, only six percent in the poll, giving Walker a 68 percent lead over his nearest competitor. The other candidates – Jared Craig, Kelvin King, James Nester, and Latham Saddier – had one percent in the poll.

The poll also showed that Walker has “near universal” name identification among Republican primary voters, with 74 percent favorable and only six percent unfavorable. Only 15 percent said they have “no opinion,” and six percent said they “never heard of [him].”

Respondents identified as “conservative,” Walker received 81 percent, and lowered, slightly to 59 percent for respondents who identify as “moderate.”

Good for him.

Walker will be a great candidate.

Cross posted from American Lookout.

REPORT: Herschel Walker Has A Huge Lead In Georgia GOP Senate Primary (

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