Thursday, October 14, 2021

For Consumers, 'Build Back Better' Is Going to Start Getting Replaced by These Three Words Soon

You've got to be kidding me. We already knew that inflation was bad. You see that at the grocery store. America's mothers have seen it for months as they balance the home budgets. Inflation is a tax—period. And the Biden administration has been sticking it to consumers. There's also the underreported story at our ports where a global supply chain crisis is looming. Goods cannot be offloaded fast enough due to COVID protocols and the sheer lack of manpower. No one is getting back to work.

CNBC had a lengthy post about Shipt—a shopper/delivery service owned by Target that's exploded since the COVID pandemic. The article was about the service and how it's handling the "out of stock" crisis in our grocery stores. Those are the three words that are going to replace "build back better" and the ones that describe the Biden agenda for consumers as inflation and supply chains tighten. Right now, there might not be items readily available come Christmas time (via Reuters):

White House officials, scrambling to relieve global supply bottlenecks choking U.S. ports, highways and railways, warn that Americans may face higher prices and some empty shelves this Christmas season.

The supply crisis, driven in part by the global COVID-19 pandemic, not only threatens to dampen U.S. spending at a critical time, it also poses a political risk for President Joe Biden.

The latest Reuters/Ipsos poll shows the economy continues to be the most important issue for Democrats and Republicans alike.

The White House has been trying to tackle inflation-inducing supply bottlenecks of everything from meat to semiconductors, and formed a task force in June that meets weekly and named a "bottleneck" czar to push private-sector companies to ease snarls.


American consumers, unused to empty store shelves, may need to be flexible and patient, White House officials said.

Even local outlets are picking up on this looming crisis (via WSKG):

A combined shortage of labor, material, and transportation has made it difficult for grocery stores like Tops and Wegmans to keep pet food, sports drinks, and other items in stock.

In a statement, Tops Market said “unfortunately, there are several areas that will be impacted through 2021 and into 2022. While some holiday items might be tight, customer flexibility on brands should allow them to find much of what they need to enjoy their holiday with family and friends.”

Now, there will be back-and-forth on this because one could argue that the supply issues started as soon as we all headed into the bunkers last April. But no one cares about that. Consumers were promised "build back better" under Biden, and all they see is high inflation, gas prices through the roof, and 'out of stock' signs everywhere. Stop blaming COVID as well. Grocery stores are open. Big box retailers have never closed. We have three vaccines readily available. As for the labor shortages, I mean, how can you be shocked given Biden's unemployment benefits extravaganza.

For Consumers, 'Build Back Better' Is Going to Start Getting Replaced by These Three Words Soon (

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