Thursday, June 3, 2021

Rep. Jamie Raskin Demands Republicans Stop Blocking Money for Hamas


Rep. Jamie Raskin (D - Weasel) dispatched a letter to Senator Jim Risch (R - Idaho) demanding that he unblock money for Hamas.

In a letter co-signed by notable Democrat patriots and lovers of the Jewish State like Rep. Ilhan Omar, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rep. Mark Pocan, and Rep. Jerrold Nadler, Raskin demanded immediate aid for Gaza.

"Gaza is experiencing a humanitarian catastrophe. Buildings lie in rubble. Access to clean water and electricity is sporadic or nonexistent. Food insecurity is spreading. COVID-19 is running rampant and thousands of people have been displaced and rendered homeless. The magnitude of the crisis is staggering," Rep. Raskin wailed.

Gaza's five-star hotel and its 600 Hamas millionaires are also feeling down. But the number of stringers taking photos of teddy bears that they've strategically arranged in the rubble of a Hamas facility is way up.

The assistance aid notified by the State Department is to be provided in full accordance with U.S. law. It is administered and overseen by our government and by trusted and vetted partners on the ground. Secretary Antony Blinken has made clear that Hamas and other terrorist groups will not benefit from our humanitarian assistance.

Stuff has been made very clear. Just don't ask for guarantees. 

“We’re going to be working in partnership with the United Nations and the Palestinian Authority to kind of channel aid there in a manner that does its best to go to the people of Gaza,” a senior State Department official told reporters Monday. “As we all know in life, there are no guarantees."

When you move aid through territory controlled by a terrorist group, it goes to the terrorists. We've seen this in Yemen, Syria, and oh, Gaza.

Hamas infiltrated a large international aid organization operating in Gaza and redirected tens of millions of dollars – 60 percent – of the organization’s budget to its “military” wing, the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced on Thursday, following an investigation that lasted almost two months.

The World Vision organization, which operates in 100 countries and employs 46,000 people, fell victim to a complex Hamas takeover scheme, a senior Shin Bet source said, adding that Hamas’s armed wing stole $7.2 million a year from the budget, which was supposed to pay for food, humanitarian assistance, and aid programs for disabled children, and channeled the funds to buy weapons, build attack tunnels, and to other preparations for war with Israel.

This time around, Hamas was bragging about using water pipes to make rockets. Good thing Biden promised to rebuild their water infrastructure.

"Access to clean water and electricity is sporadic or nonexistent," Raskin whines. Maybe he should take that up with Hamas.

Rep. Jamie Raskin Demands Republicans Stop Blocking Money for Hamas | Frontpagemag

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