Saturday, March 27, 2021

Insane! Communist Angela Davis paid $220 a minute to speak at Arkansas U

Angela Davis was paid $20,000 to speak at an event at the University of Arkansas.

According to the speaking contract obtained by Campus Reform, Davis spoke for 90 minutes.

That averages out to about $220 per minute, Campus Reform reports.

The $20,000 for Davis came directly from student tuition through the student activities fee.

Davis was hosted by the Distinguished Lectures Committee. The committee is led by students and aims to bring “dynamic and pertinent speakers to bring to the University of Arkansas campus.”

The woman is a COMMUNIST! She taught her ideology in California’s University system for over thirty years.

Communists seek to overturn our government and rob us of our inherent freedoms.


When Colin Kaepernick recently called for communism in the United States in a piece at Medium, he linked to communist Angela Davis. The hardcore communist says prisons and policing are not solutions. Davis blames racist capitalism for the problems Black and Brown people experience.

She is a promoter of systemic racism.

Systemic racism is a concept conjured up in the halls of our elite universities. It is not real. It was real when the Democrats inflicted their Jim Crow Laws on Black people. There are racist people and injustices, but it is not systemic.

This is what she is trying to pawn off, which Kaepernick supports:

Both policing and punishment are firmly rooted in racism — attempts to control indigenous, Black, and Latino populations following colonization and slavery as well as Asian populations after the Chinese Exclusion Act and the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans. Attempting to undo the harm of policing and prisons without attending to these immense embodiments of systemic racism is doomed to failure. The 20th-century militarization of the police has been further intensified by Islamophobia. More generally, the evolution and expansion of the police and the prisons are constant reminders that capitalism has always fundamentally relied on racism to sustain itself.

Defund the police:

The insight that racism is essentially systemic and structural rather than individual and attitudinal — one repeatedly asserted by health care advocates and anti-police and anti-prison activists over many decades — finally entered mainstream discourse in 2020 under the pressure of Covid-19 and its disproportionate impact on Black and Brown communities. Its most popular expression in the slogan “Defund the Police” was disseminated during the mass mobilizations protesting the police lynching of George Floyd. For those who recognize the deeply conservative repercussions of equating “reform” with change, the call to defund the police manifested an abolitionist impulse to eschew the usual calls for punishing individual police officers and instituting some form of civilian overview of the department. Instead of habitual and perfunctory calls for “reform,” organizers began to think more deeply about pathways toward more radical change — in other words, change that would begin to respond to some of the root causes of why poor communities, and especially communities of color, are particularly vulnerable to the criminal legal system.

Capitalism is racist:

Both policing and punishment are firmly rooted in racism — attempts to control indigenous, Black, and Latino populations following colonization and slavery as well as Asian populations after the Chinese Exclusion Act and the World War II incarceration of Japanese Americans. Attempting to undo the harm of policing and prisons without attending to these immense embodiments of systemic racism is doomed to failure. The 20th-century militarization of the police has been further intensified by Islamophobia. More generally, the evolution and expansion of the police and the prisons are constant reminders that capitalism has always fundamentally relied on racism to sustain itself.

She was also arrested for truly criminal behavior.

Insane! Communist Angela Davis paid $220 a minute to speak at Arkansas U (

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