Saturday, March 27, 2021


Oh just stop…

Desperate to keep the COVID con going, the rotten establishment is working overtime to propagandize the sheep into the continued surrender of their rights at a time when states are reopening and the fear is ebbing.

Leading the pack is CNN, the once-respectable cable news network that has become a full-blown propaganda arm of the Democratic party that dabbles in fomenting racial hatred.

According to the self-proclaimed “most trusted name in news,” it may be time for the medical dictatorship to impose national grooming standards because having a beard could contribute to the spread of COVID, specifically the mysterious mutant variants that have been introduced as the rationale for another round of punishing lockdowns.

According to CNN, “Depending on a beard’s length and thickness, experts have said it may reduce the effectiveness of mask-wearing by creating more space between your face and the mask.”

The usual “experts” are cited, this time a professor from elite Ivy League snob factory Yale University who claims that having a beard “increases the chance that there is a virus that will get to the orifices, which can then obviously give you the disease”

“For a mask to have any chance of fitting properly, it needs to be mask to skin, not mask to hair,” added Dr. Mona Gohara, an associate clinical professor of dermatology at the Yale School of Medicine.

More fuel for the fear machine.

Image: CDC Guidance

In the article entitled “To shave or not to shave? How beards may affect Covid-19 risk,

which was published on Tuesday, CNN claims; “An important part of wearing face masks to reduce the risk of contracting or spreading coronavirus is that the mask fits snugly. Depending on a beard’s length and thickness, experts have said it may reduce the effectiveness of mask-wearing by creating more space between your face and the mask.”

CNN backs off from calling for the compulsory shearing of facial hair by pointing out that some religious beliefs forbid the shaving of beards; “Some followers of Islam, some sects of Judaism and Rastafarianism also have religious practices or cultural beliefs that prohibit cutting hair.”

And added in the obligatory “woke” exception for blacks; “Skin issues can also be a factor in facial hair decisions. Men of color, particularly Black men, are more likely to experience inflammation, razor bumps and ingrown hairs after shaving.”

Some suggestions are offered in place of shaving off the facial hair:

Trimming your beard or wearing a different style, like a goatee, is one option. Some online small businesses sell extra-large masks that fit over a beard and against one’s neck.

If you’re a medical professional, you could request a controlled air purifying respirator or a powered air-purifying respirator, which are designed to accommodate facial hair while protecting you and others.

Lastly, you could join the double-masking trend, starting by wearing an N95 mask or masks with ties “that kind of create a bit more security and tightness,” Gohara said. Follow up with another mask that you put over your beard, fit snugly against your jaw or neck, and secure by looping the straps behind your ears or by tying them behind your head.

For those who haven’t picked it up, the CNN piece is demonstrative of a growing trend in which cherry-picked medical “experts” are featured in stories to promote the extension of the mask tyranny.

Then there’s this…

It’s not about public health, it’s about control.

CNN Suggests That Beards May Contribute To Spread Of COVID – Def-Con News

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