Wednesday, August 26, 2020

THIS IS CNN: Don Lemon Says Riots ‘Have to Stop’ Because It’s ‘Showing Up in the Polling’

CNN host Don Lemon weighed-in Tuesday on the civil unrest sweeping American cities; saying the riots “have to stop” because it’s helping Donald Trump in the polls.

“This is a blind spot for Democrats. Democrats are ignoring this problem or are hoping it will go away. It’s not going to go away,” said Lemon. “The problem is not going to be fixed by the election. What they can do, maybe Joe Biden is afraid to do it, he’s got to address it.”

“He’s got to do a speech about race. He’s got to come out and tell people he’s going to deal with the issue with police reform, and what’s happening is happening on Donald Trump’s watch… The rioting has to stop. It’s showing up in the polling. It’s showing up in the focus groups.”

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