The Minneapolis Police Department is advising residents of the city to “Be prepared to give up your cell phone and purse/wallet” if approached by robbers, and “Do not argue or fight with the criminal. Do as they say.”
The “robbery prevention tips” were circulated by the department and reported by local ABC affiliate KSTP-5. They advise that the city is suffering an increase in robberies and carjackings, especially in the 3rd Precinct — the area of the city in which George Floyd was killed in police custody on Memorial Day, and rioters destroyed police headquarters.
Others posted the tips on social media:
Other cities have reported dramatic increases in crime, including shootings and murders, since the Black Lives Matter protests and riots erupted.
One Minneapolis resident who refused to give in without a fight was 99-year-old Evelyn Johnson, who fought with an intruder: “”He thought he was just going to cover my mouth and smother me, but that didn’t happen. I fought him. We wrestled for quite a while, according to all my bruises,” she told KSTP.
The Democrat-dominated Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved a resolution in June to abolish the police department — much to the chagrin of local leaders in the black community, who spoke out against the plan in July.
The local Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported that local black leaders had called the plan to abolish or defund the police “Egregious, grotesque, absurd, crazy, ridiculous.”
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