Friday, August 28, 2020

CONFIRMED: Dr. Fauci Snubs President Trump – Reinstates Grant with Company Connected to China Coronavirus – After Trump Demanded an End to the Contract in April


Crazy Dr. Fauci is again up to no good.  The top doctor behind the US economic shutdowns and government invasion of every constitutional right every American citizen holds is now rebuking the President’s orders. 

Yesterday it was announced in a press release that the ‘non-profit’ firm EcoHealth Alliance had been awarded a grant of $7.5 million by the National Institute of Allergies and Infections Diseases (NIAID) which is run by Dr. Fauci.

The problem with this new contract is that President Trump wanted an end to any government relationship with this company in April due to its ties with Communist China and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Far left Politico reported in late April:

The Trump administration abruptly cut off funding for a project studying how coronaviruses spread from bats to people after reports linked the work to a lab in Wuhan, China, at the center of conspiracy theories about the Covid-19 pandemic’s origins.

The National Institutes of Health on Friday told EcoHealth Alliance, the study’s sponsor for the past five years, that all future funding was cut. The agency also demanded that the New York-based research nonprofit stop spending the $369,819 remaining from its 2020 grant, according to emails obtained by POLITICO.

Through this new action, Dr. Fauci appears to be sticking his thumb in the President’s eye, defying the President’s orders from April because undoubtedly some of the funding to the EcoHealth Alliance, either directly or indirectly, goes to China, and probably to the Wuhan Institute of Virology with whom the EcoHealth Alliance has had very close collaboration for many years.

Most Americans would be very upset knowing that Dr. Fauci is sending US taxpayer money to an outfit with connections in China allegedly responsible for now over 170,000 American deaths and untold economic hardship this year caused by the China coronavirus.

While President Trump and America rebound from the China coronavirus pandemic and begin struggling with the ramifications and policies related to China’s release of the coronavirus, Dr. Fauci is paying China for its efforts.

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