Sunday, August 2, 2020

Antifa and Black Lives Matter Burn American Flags and Bibles While Rioting Against Portland Police

Apparently, they are doing stunts like this now to keep their cause in the media spotlight. They burned a pig’s head with a police hat the night before.


“Protesters flocked to the Justice Center and the federal courthouse in Portland again on Friday night, lighting fires and burning American flags and Bibles in the streets.

According to the Portland Police, which did not engage with demonstrators, the crowd lit several fires, including a large bonfire in the middle of the street in front of the federal courthouse. One video shows protesters feeding a small fire with Bibles, which were engulfed in flames …”

Is Donald Trump’s campaign paying them to do this?

As I said in the previous article, this illustrates how the postwar consensus – liberalism, antiracism, cosmopolitanism and modernism – has grown toxic. We have entered a new crisis.

Liberalism taken to a crude and toxic extreme becomes anarchy – the rejection of all order, subordination and government which is felt to be tyrannical.

Antiracism taken to a crude and toxic extreme becomes wokeness – seeing “systemic racism” or structures of oppression in all things, self loathing, repressive tolerance and violence.

Cosmopolitanism taken to a crude and toxic extreme becomes multiculturalism – the alienation from and hatred of your own culture and the celebration of foreign cultures.

Modernism taken to a crude and toxic extreme becomes iconoclasm – taking action to smash cherished beliefs, institutions or established values. The total rejection of the past in fits of nihilism and narcissism.

This “movement” is incapable of coexisting with the established civic order and its limits which it will inevitably and violently plunge into an abyss of self destruction.

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