Friday, March 6, 2020

Erdogan's Gamble Backfires As EU Gives Iron-Willed Greeks $780M to Secure Their Border

This article is thanks to Bill Elder
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan thought that by sending tens of thousands of "crying refugees" to invade Greece it would cause Europeans to cave and throw open their borders as happened in 2015 -- instead he ran into the army of Sparta
Picture last night of Greek military posing with a Greek flag at the borders in in , protecting their borders with pride..
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Local Greek residents have formed vigilante groups that help the border guards, police & army to catch groups of migrants that have managed to cross the border

The hand them over to the border guards who then push them back over the border to "no man's land"
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Greek military patrolling in the night along the Greek-Turkish border.

God bless you boys. You are protecting not just but all of Europe.

We must send them substantial help as soon as possible!
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Rather than submit to this latest mass invasion, Greeks rose up against their own government and fought off their own police to stop new refugee centers from being built on their once pristine islands.

Local residents are fighting the riot police reinforcements sent from Athens to the islands of and were the government is building new massive migrant centers to house the tens of thousands of migrants that arrive to Greece from Turkey.

The locals have had enough!
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Locals of & island in have defeated riot police forces sent there to protect the construction of new massive migrant camps (which the locals had started destroying)

Before retreating to their boat, they smashed up the locals' cars in revenge
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The Greek government quickly caved and threw their support behind their own people demanding an end to the invasion.

Seeing Erdogan's transparent ploy for what it was, the EU for once decided to do the right thing and stand with Greece against weaponized migration.

From Bloomberg, "EU Gives $780 Million to Help Greece Stop Migrants at Border":

European Union officials visited Greece to see for themselves the migrant tensions building on its frontier with Turkey and pledged millions of euros in aid while calling for order after sporadic violence over the weekend.

“Greek authorities are facing a very difficult task in containing the situation,” European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen told reporters during a press conference near the Kastanies crossing on Tuesday. “This border is not only a Greek border, but it is also a European border and I stand here today as a European at your side.”
The situation at our border is not only ’s issue to manage.
It is the responsibility of Europe as a whole.
And we will manage it in an orderly way, with unity, solidarity and determination.
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She said Greece would be able to access as much as 700 million euros ($780 million) to help manage the situation and that Frontex, the EU border protection force, was preparing to deploy a “Rapid Intervention Team,” comprising ships, helicopters and guards. Earlier, Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis took the EU delegation on a helicopter ride to survey the border.

Migrants and refugees began heading toward Greece on Saturday after Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he’d no longer prevent them crossing into Europe -- he says his government can’t handle the large numbers of Syrians fleeing civil war.
Erdogan took these refugees in thinking they would provide him a solid voting block (much as Democrats do in the US) but instead they voted against him and destabilized Turkey the same way they've destabilized Europe.

Now, he's desperate to kick them all out.
The sight of desperate people gathered at the frontier sent a shudder through the EU leadership, stirring memories of the migration crisis of 2015 that fueled support for right-wing populists across the continent.

This time around though, the reality is very different, at least so far. Some people were bused down, others paid for their own journeys, and most of them aren’t Syrians at all, but nationals of several countries who’ve been struggling to carve out new lives in Turkey.
Most weren't Syrians then, either.
All have found Greek officials barring their path onward into the EU. About 26,500 people have been stopped from entering, according to the Greek authorities. Some are now stuck in the no man’s land between the two borders. Others returned to the Turkish cities they came from once they realized the Greek side was sealed. About 200 people have been arrested by the Greek police.
Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia have also pledged to help Greece deal with the border crisis:

Turkish police threaten migrants with a gun and beats them in order to force them out of a bus and across the border to .

The Turkish police says "you will go, the military will take you across the border".
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Erdogan-loyal extremist groups chase and beat up migrants in the streets of the Turkish city of .

The want to send a signal that the migrants can't stay in Turkey but have to get on the road and make the journey to & Europe.
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It's the 4th straight day that Turkish extremist youth groups supporting are hunting for migrants in the streets, beating them up severly and vandalizing their homes & shops.

In doing so, they want to force them to make the journey to Greece & Europe
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The EU correctly recognizes this is an attack on all of Europe.

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