Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Top Progressive News Site ‘ThinkProgress’ Bites The Dust

The Liberal news site ThinkProgress shutting down after failing to find a buyer.

The Center for American Progress Action Fund was attempting to sell the hyperpartisan website but neglected to find a buyer, according to The Daily Beast.

“Given that we could find no new publisher, we have no other real option but to fold the ThinkProgress website back into CAP’s broader online presence with a focus on analysis of policy, politics, and news events through the lens of existing CAP and CAP Action staff experts,” executive director Navin Nayak told staffers, according to the Beast.

Capitalism wins again!
Breaking: @thinkprogress, the site that has for years been going after conservatives trying to get them fired, is shutting-down  today.
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Daily Caller:
ThinkProgress, a top progressive website operated by the liberal think tank, Center for American Progress, is shutting down on Friday after a 15-year run.

The decision was made after the site was unable to find a buyer. The Center for American Progress (CAP) has tried to sell off the website after operating for years in the red, according to The Daily Beast.

“Given that we could find no new publisher, we have no other real option but to fold the ThinkProgress website back into CAP’s broader online presence with a focus on analysis of policy, politics, and news events through the lens of existing CAP and CAP Action staff experts,” Navin Nayak, the executive director of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, wrote in a message to staff, according to The Beast.

“Conversations on how to do so are just beginning, but we will seek to reinvent it as a different platform for progressive change.”

About a dozen ThinkProgress employees will lose their jobs. More
I don’t want to celebrate the loss of jobs, but at the same, those jobs’ literal purposes were to get conservatives fired just for being conservatives, so...

(Now there’s just MediaMatters to worry about.)
See Ben ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ's other Tweets

This is just the natural consequences of creating fake news, instead of reporting the real facts!

Must be really bad, if Soros won’t even dump more money into it.

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