Wednesday, October 23, 2019

University Fires Professor Who Proved Polar Bears are NOT Being Killed Off by Global Warming

Susan Crockford, the zoologist who proved that polar bears were not dying out because of climate change, has been dumped by her university.  For years climate change religionists claimed that the polar bear population in the arctic was dying out because of global warming. But one zoologist proved that the bear population was not diminishing at all and the left’s claim of bear destruction was false. Now her university is dumping her for daring to report the truth.
After 15 years as an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Victoria, Crockford’s application for renewing her contract has been rejected without comment by the university.
Crockford has been a leading researcher in the history of dog domestication and scientific research into polar bears and has been an in-demand speaker on her expertise.
But, Crockford says that the university bowed to pressure from global warming religionists because she proved that polar bears are not dying out because of climate change.
The school has refused to say why it has fired her.
Per the Washington Times:
Ms. Crockford accused officials at the Canadian university of bowing to “outside pressure,” the result of her research showing that polar bear populations are stable and even thriving, not plummeting as a result of shrinking Arctic sea ice, defying claims of the climate change movement.
Her dismissal, which she announced Wednesday in a post on her Polar Bear Science blog, has spurred alarm over the implications for academic freedom and the rise of the “cancel culture” for professors and scientists who challenge climate catastrophe predictions.
“When push came to shove, UVic threw me under the bus rather than stand up for my academic freedom,” said Ms. Crockford, who earned a Ph.D. in interdisciplinary studies, specifically biology and anthropology, in 2004.
Crockford notes that her work at the university was celebrated by the school right up until the time she proved that the polar bear population has not diminished despite clams by leftist climate change gurus that the bears are failing because of global warming.
In 2017 the school stopped supporting her when the University of Victoria Speakers Bureau complained that she was not supportive enough of the left’s religious globaloney tenets.
Crockford says that the speaker’s bureau complaints, “poisoned support I might have expected from colleagues in the department.”
“The speakers’ bureau incident made it clear the administration had no intention of protecting my academic freedom against complaints from outside the university,” Crockford said.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston.

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