Thursday, October 3, 2019

Swedenistan : Gimmegrants have made Sweden’s unemployment rates among the highest in the EU

Despite continuous promises from PM Stefan Löfven to reduce unemployment rates, Sweden’s has continued to skyrocket thanks to the vast numbers of welfare-dependent migrants they’ve imported.

According to newly released Eurostat figures, the Scandinavian country now appears to be the new sick man of Europe, now ranking 24th out of 28 EU member states in unemployment, the daily newspaper Expressen reports.

In 2013, PM Löfven set a goal for Sweden to have the lowest unemployment rate of any EU member-state by 2020. But with the vast numbers of welfare-dependent migrants that have been taken into the country, and with 2020 fast approaching, it’s not looking like Löfven’s ambitious goal will be reached.

Thanks to its newly imported underclass, Sweden now enjoys an unemployment rate that rivals those seen in France, Spain, Greece, and Italy. Statistics have consistently revealed that on average, migrants living in Sweden are unemployed at much higher rates than native Swedes are.

Last year, statistics released by the Swedish Public Employment Service revealed that the unemployment rate for migrants living in Sweden was 19.9 percent, compared to just 3.6 percent for native Swedes.

Integrating large numbers of migrants into the Swedish labor force has proven to be more difficult than many had originally thought it would be. Many local municipalities are facing financial woes as a result of the significant strain placed on their social systems.

In the municipality of Bengtsfors, officials have been forced to ask the national government for financial aid packages due to the enormous financial burdens that have been placed on taxpayers as a result of taking in too many welfare-dependent migrants.

Stig Bertilsson, a local politician in Bengtsfors for the Moderate Party, told SVT reporters, “Costs in municipalities that have received new arrivals have continued to be substantial even when government revenues have stopped. This creates a large negative hole in the municipal cash register.”

The municipality of Hässelholm, after taking in nearly 3,000 migrants in just three years, also faces financial ruin as up to 80 percent of migrants taken in still remain on welfare.

The municipality of Filipstad, a Swedish municipality that took in one of the highest numbers of migrants per capita, stated that they were facing a financial crisis as productive native Swedes continue to flee the city while financial assistance needs have tripled due to the influx of welfare-dependent migrants.

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