Thursday, October 3, 2019

Oh, So That’s What Caused the Trump-Ukraine Whistleblower to Be Cited for Political Bias

House Democrats fired their salvo. Impeachment is here. It’s been a plot three years in the making. Ever since President Trump won the 2016 election, the Left has been waiting for the moment to impeach. They hate this man. They tried to use the Russian collusion myth to get Trump. That quickly fell apart. Like a balloon that needed air on a consistent basis, the Democrats and the media couldn’t keep this manufactured myth alive. There was no evidence to support the nonsensical claim that the Trump team colluded with the Kremlin during the 2016 election. The report filed by ex-Special Counsel Robert Mueller finally killed this narrative. So, these clowns waited.

Alas, some whistleblower came forward with a shoddy complaint that said Trump had shaken down Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in July, forcing him to open a corruption probe into Hunter Biden and why he had a board position on an energy company. Hunter, the son of former Vice President Joe Biden, has zero experience in this sector. The allegation is that Trump threatened to withhold aid to the country unless this happened. Then, the White House released the transcript. There was no quid pro quo. In fact, it debunked most of the major allegations the anti-Trump media had pushed onto their airwaves. The complaint wasn’t even released to Congress at the time, but Democrats took this even shakier allegation to launch their impeachment campaign.

We’re impeaching the president because he made a phone call. That’s really that gist here. Senators who visited Ukraine and met with Zelensky now tell tales about how Trump placed pressure on this political leadership, though were mum about it when they were there. President Zelensky himself has said he felt zero pressure from the Trump White House.

The attorney for the whistleblower declined to offer a comment.— Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) October 3, 2019

And the whistleblower was cited for political bias against Trump. This person, reportedly a CIA agent, is a registered Democrat. I know, I’m shocked, stunned! We also know that Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), chair of the House Intelligence Committee, knew about the details of the complaint before it was even formally filed. His staff also helped the whistleblower concerning finding legal representation. This is collusion. This is deep state antics. The whistleblower is a Democrat. Yeah, not shocking, but just shows the lengths in which these people will go to boot Trump.

The complaint is loaded with inaccuracies because this person didn’t even listen in on the call. It’s all based on second-hand sources.

Nevertheless, the Democrats have had their Fort Sumter moment. It’s up to Republicans to defend Trump from this political show trial and mount a Sherman’s March to the Sea to wipe out the opposition.

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