“Symbolism Will Be Their Downfall”
Isn’t it strange how all these “Elites” seem to really love all the same symbols?
They love their triangles, especially when one is pointing up and one is pointing down….
They love the “all seeing eye”….
They love their Masonic compass with the “G” on it….
Now look, I get it, there are only so many different shapes and designs that exist in the world, and so squares, rectangles, circles and triangles will tend to get used a lot.
And to paraphrase Sigmund Freud, “not every triangle is a Masonic symbol!”
But that said, isn’t the Masonic compass with the “G” on it a bit of a strange design choice to keep popping up?
And yet here it was front and center last night at The Oscars:
If that’s not immediately obvious to you, maybe you need to see it side-by-side:
Oh sure, they didn’t slap a “G” on it because that would have been a bit too on the nose even for them, but that’s why they call it “hidden in plain sight”.
For most, it goes right over their heads, like the “adult jokes” sometimes snuck into children’s movies to keep the adults entertained in the movie theater.
The kids miss it entirely, but it was there. Hidden in plain sight.
That’s how they do it with these symbols.
If you know what you’re looking for, it becomes rather obvious. But for everyone else, you just fly by at 30,000 ft and no one notices or cares.
Then there was was the “all seeing eye” displayed right in the center of a ritual circle:
That one’s not too subtle!
And a different view of the stage later in the show gives you plenty of triangle imagery….
The big one around the outside and then the smaller one near the back.
The smaller one near the back perfectly displays the “As above, so below” imagery they love so much given how it is stationed on the glossy floor.
Then you have the microphone placed inside two ritual circles right in the center so they can cast out their “spells”:
Look folks, I’d love to say this is all nonsense and I’m just reading too much into it, but at this point I’ve been doing this for 10 years covering things like the Super Bowl Halftime Show, the Grammys, the Oscars, music videos, and on and on, and I’m not making this stuff up.
It’s the same 5-10 images/themes/symbols that keep coming up over and over and over.
I’m surprised there was no bathtub filled with blood or black goo coming out of someone’s mouth, those are about the only two things missing.
Oh and a white and black checkerboard floor.
But hey, that stuff might have been in there, I don’t truly know because I did not spend any time actually watching the Oscars. So perhaps those were in there too!
Let me know if I missed them!
But isn’t not just the symbols, it’s also where they chose to hold the event…
For everyone who things I’m just finding Freemason ties where they don’t exist, they literally chose to hold the event at the historical Hollywood Lodge of the Masons:
You can’t make this stuff up folks!
Oh and how could I forget this….
The little golden statue they pass out to each other?
You didn’t think that was just something they created randomly for Hollywood, did you?
No, that is a carbon copy of the Ptah from Egypt:
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