Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Border Czar Homan: ICE Deportation Operations Have Begun

Border czar Tom Homan said Tuesday on Fox News Channel’s “America Reports” that deportation operations have begun.

Co-host John Roberts said, “So Tom, we were expecting, based on your initial schedule, that today roundups of criminal illegal aliens and the process of deporting them would begin. That seems to have been put on hold for a little while. When can we expect that to happen? Where will it begin?”

Homan said, “No, it started. If we start, all these teams are out there as of today. We gave them the direction to prioritize public safety threats that we’re looking for. So, we’ve been working on the target list. There was some discussion about Chicago because the Pacific operational plan was released. So we got to look at and reevaluate. Does this raise off-safety concerns? And it does. But we’ve addressed that, and teams are all effective today.

Roberts said, “So critics were saying, okay, you’re going to route up people’s abuela, their grandmother, and ship them back to where they emigrated from. Who are the people that you’re targeting, at least in this initial phase?”

Homan said, “Right out of the gate is public safety threats. Those who are in the country legally that’s been convicted of arresting for a serious crime. But let me be clear, it’s not only public safety threats that will be arrested, because in sanctuary cities we’re not allowed to get that public safety threat in the jail, which means we got to go to the neighborhood and find him. And when we find him, he may be with others. And unlike the last administration, we’re not going to tell ICE officers not to arrest an illegal alien. So if they find others, they’ll be arrested. So sanctuary cities are going to get exactly what they don’t want. More agents in the neighborhood and more collateral arrests. More agents in the neighborhood and more collateral arrests.”


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