Transvestite: noun
Someone who adopts the dress or manner or sexual role of the opposite sex.
Transvestism: The practice of dressing in a manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex.
When did transvestites become transexuals? And why? During the fifties here in America, transvestites (remember Christine Jorgensen?) were the stuff of snide jokes. They were laughed at as misfit men trying to be women. Later, there was Bruce Jenner, who also was a transvestite and who later named himself Caitlin Jenner and demanded everyone else call him by that name. Jenner is still a cross-dressing man in women’s clothing. How did Americans get so afraid of calling them transvestites? How dare they misgender people?
Most people refer to Jenner as “she” or “her.” Because Jenner’s biology has not changed, Jenner is a “he” or a “him.” Ditto all cross-dressing transvestites.
More to the point, why was it necessary to change “transvestite” to “transsexual”? I submit it is because while transvestites were considered unserious by others, a new, more serious term was needed to confer legitimacy upon those men who dressed and lived as women. To some ears, there is something of gravitas to “transsexual” that isn’t there with “transvestite.”
Image by Andrea Widburg, using AI
But the new word wasn’t needed simply because a trendy thing (transsexualism) was more widespread than before. Cross-dressing men were still men in women’s clothing. All the chemistry and surgery in the world was not going to change a transvestite into a transsexual, a non-existent category of human beings; men cannot be women at a cellular level.
They can pretend to breastfeed and call it “chest feeding,” a repulsive term. They can demand access to women’s sports, but they are cheating women. They can demand to enter women’s bathrooms, but they are still penises in places they shouldn’t be. They can dress up, use cosmetics and hormones, shave, have surgeries to get breasts or lose appendages—but they will never be women. If you ask why this should bother normals, it is because we don’t like people telling us that what we observe isn’t reality.
If this sounds intolerant, it is. Why should normal human beings tolerate demands that they suspend their distaste for those who demand we call a spade a fork? Why should we tolerate those who demand that clear thinkers with good eyesight and spiritual discernment look at a man in women’s clothing and call him “her”? With no regret, I shall not consort with or tolerate those who demand I ignore my own intelligence and perceptions to placate a damaged or hostile person for whom the truth is anathema.
Transvestites need to stay in their lane and stop trying to cross over into ours without even the courtesy of a turn signal. Men who dress and behave as women are men. I will not be dragged into the fantasy world of someone else’s warped mind.
That said, they are free to do as they please with their own minds and bodies. Just don’t ask me to participate.
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