There have been 45 men who have been president of the United States. Over the decades there has been voluminous speculation over who were the worst. That distinction now belongs to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Obama was the most anti-American and radical president in American history and Joe Biden was the most venal and corrupt president in American history.
This attached-at-the-hip duo has done more damage to the United States and its founding principles than any presidents in American history.
Obama, a stealth but avowed Marxist, governed as a president unabashedly determined to shred the Constitution and transform the nation and its institutions. After the shock of Trump winning in 2016, Obama and his fellow-travelers, utilizing massive voting fraud and manipulation, made certain that Joe Biden was “elected” in 2020 to further their agenda. Biden was chosen because he could be easily manipulated or essentially blackmailed by the Obama-led cabal due to his well-known and long history of corruption and venality.
On October 30, 2008, Obama openly stated that he would “fundamentally transform the United States” while his wife, Michelle, boasted “we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to move in a different place as a nation.” Following the installation of the most radical administration in the history of the country, the final stages of the grand strategy to fundamentally transform the nation into a permanent one-party socialist oligarchy began.
Obama unabashedly denigrated the nation’s founding and history, oversaw the Marxist domination of the Democrat Party, set in motion unrestrained voting and attendant fraud that were the hallmarks of the 2020 election, dramatically accelerated welfare-state expansion, massively financed extreme Left-wing organizations, mainstreamed sexual deviancy in order to fracture the culture, and packed the judiciary and bureaucracy with likeminded Marxist sympathizers.
Additionally, and for the same overall objective, Barack Obama and his henchmen deliberately and maliciously fanned the flames of race and identity politics to further divide the populace and foment riots that would dramatically enhance the power of the Democrat Party and the federal government. Obama never missed an opportunity to pour gasoline on incidents of racial hostility or animosity by effectively turning a blind eye toward violence, looting, and lawbreaking by militants sympathetic to his inculcated Marxism.
In keeping with the tactics of Marxist-inspired depots, Obama initiated unprecedented spying on the American people and the 2016 Trump campaign. Behind the scenes, he orchestrated the impeachments of Donald Trump. He used his allies in the legacy media to promote constant and innumerable false accusations directed at Trump and his associates. He inspired his confederates in the “deep state” to shred the Constitution and the rule of law in order to undermine Trump, his presidency, the 2020 election, and his 2024 candidacy.
The culmination of this mindset was overt and massive fraud and manipulation in the 2020 election in order place in office a malleable Joe Biden to further the Obama agenda and the transformation of America.
Joe Biden earned his designation as the most venal and corrupt president in American history as he has a long history of venality and malfeasance which began almost immediately after he was first sworn in as a senator in 1973 and has extended throughout his 52-year political career.

In August of 2019, Politico International highlighted nearly 45 years of Biden’s unscrupulous family machinations.
Joe’s willingness to use his office for financial gain dates back to 1973, Joe’s first year in the Senate when he demanded a seat on the Senate Banking Committee (which oversees bank regulatory agencies).
Soon afterward, his brother James, a 23-year-old business neophyte with a net worth of less than $10,000, was persuaded to open a nightclub. James used Biden family “connections” to obtain $165,000 ($1.2 million in 2024 dollars) in mostly unsecured loans from a failing Delaware bank. Within less than 18 months the venture started to unravel, and James was unable to make the loan payments. Joe intervened with the bank’s chairman to make certain the bank did not harass James for payment or foreclose on the nightclub.
Not long thereafter, Joe Biden met with the senior vice-president of a bank also on the watch list as a potential failing institution. Fortuitously, around the same time that bank decided to give James a $500,000 ($3.2 million in 2024 dollar) loan. The nightclub venture soon failed, leaving behind a trail of unpaid loans and debts.
The fact that Joe served on the Senate Banking Committee and his brother, with no business experience, received unheard-of loans from two banks under scrutiny was, no doubt, a mere coincidence.
Thus began a pattern that for continued for 47 years. James, and occasionally other members of the Biden family, and eventually Hunter Biden would be the front-man in the selling of Joe Biden and his political influence.
It was while Joe Biden was vice-president that the floodgates opened and what was a domestic influence-peddling business expanded globally into Ukraine, China, Russia, and Kazakhstan, among other nations. The layers of greed and unabashed willingness to sell access to the second-highest office in the country to benefit Joe Biden is mind-boggling. The most egregious examples are five deals with the Communist Chinese and the subsequent payments to Hunter, Joe, and the Biden family valued at $31million.
Joe’s unprecedented lawfare against Trump and everyday Americans, his acquiescence to government-sponsored censorship and virtually every demand of the radical left, his incessant lying and deception, his duplicitous issuance of a pre-emptive presidential pardon to Hunter Biden, (and soon to be an expansive list of designated confederates), is consistent with Biden’s endless litany of venality, malfeasance, and susceptibility to blackmail.
For the past five decades, the legacy media and virtually all of Washington, D.C. has known about Joe Biden’s corruption and penchant for being a serial fabulist and compulsive liar. As such Biden has been extraordinarily susceptible to blackmail both foreign and domestic.
There can be little doubt that he has governed at the behest of others, most notably the Obama cartel in furtherance of the transformation of America. Additionally, he has made questionable decisions that benefited foreign operatives and nations, such as China and Ukraine, previously involved in his and his family’s potentially traitorous activity overseas.
Within a matter of just sixteen years this nation was governed by the most anti-American president and the most corrupt presidents in its history. Coupled with an Obama controlled and Marxist-influenced Democrat Party and their ability to manipulate elections, America was facing an inevitable descent into a one-party socialist oligarchy.
Thus, the importance of Donald Trump and the MAGA movement in rescuing this nation in 2024 cannot be overstated.
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