Saturday, December 28, 2024

The Bible’s Definition of Love Vs. Leftists’ False Definition


One of the platitudes that woke, Marxist leftists weaponize is “love is love.” While the phrase in and of itself is essentially meaningless — you cannot define a word by repeating it — it is based on a pernicious misdefinition of love that is totally opposed to the Biblical concept.

Today in the Catholic Church is the feast of St. John the Apostle, who wrote a Gospel, several epistles, and the book of Revelation in the New Testament. Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, John wrote (1 John 4:8), “God is charity,” also translated as “God is love.” Therefore, the ultimate definition of love is God Himself: God as perfect goodness. This automatically excludes all evil and also all affirmations of evil. This is why leftists’ argument that we must affirm sexual perversions, baby killing, and “transgenderism” to be loving is fundamentally false.

God loves everyone, that is true, but He does not allow everyone into Heaven, because Heaven primarily consists in the presence of God, which can only be enjoyed by those who love God above all else. Furthermore, persistent and serious sin requires punishment. Jesus talks about Hell multiple times in the Bible and even tells parables about sinners sent to Hell for their wickedness (the Rich Man and Lazarus, Luke 16; Sheep and the Goats, Matthew 25:31ff). 

Jesus of course is always ready to forgive sins as soon as He is asked, but mercy and love are gifts that have to be accepted. Furthermore, Jesus also grants mercy on the condition that the sinner is determined to do better. As Christ said to the woman caught in adultery (John 8:11), “Go, and now sin no more.” This is the all-important context for the proper understanding of love, which means — to put it briefly — to will what is best for another. 

That sounds very esoteric, so I will give a few concrete examples. Suppose one’s son is repeatedly committing homosexual sex acts, which are condemned as grave sins in the Bible (see Romans 1:25ff, Genesis 19, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10). Woke leftists would say that “love” is encouraging and affirming your son. The Bible teaches that love is to correct your son — not viciously or self-righteously, but kindly and out of concern for both his immortal soul and his material welfare (homosexuality often leads to STDsdepression, and other damaging effects). And if that son were to pretend to get “married” to his homosexual lover, the Jewish and Christian obligation would be to refuse to attend. 

Jesus regularly rebukes sinners in the Gospels and even uses a whip to drive out the desecrators of the Temple (John 2:15). Also in the Old Testament, God sometimes lets great disasters befall His chosen people when they sin. Rebuking evil is God-like, and therefore loving. Indeed, the less that religious leaders have condemned sin over recent decades, the more people turn their back on that watered-down religion.

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Or suppose that a rape victim becomes pregnant from rape. The woke leftists would say that “love” means obtaining an abortion, thus brutally killing an innocent baby and leaving the mother at a much higher risk of long-term trauma, suicide, and more. The Biblical view of love would counsel providing all the emotional, material, and religious support possible to help the rape victim give life to her baby and heal from her horrible experience. 

Likewise, if a girl going through puberty feels uncomfortable with her body, leftists would say that “love” means mutilating her with harmful medications and surgeries to pretend she can alter her biological sex. Biblical love tells that girl that God made her good, and He will be her support as she adjusts to normal bodily changes.

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In other words, leftists misdefine “love” as being agreement with any and every sin, while Biblical love — much harder in practice — demands condemnation of evil and a recognition that what is objectively best for a person is not always what the person wants. Safety and comfort are not high on the list of God’s priorities for His followers; some Old Testament prophets were killed, there are both Jews and Christians martyred for their faith in the Bible, and Jesus says to rejoice when you are persecuted (Matthew 5:12). But God does want us to be joyful, even when facing obstacles and pain. And if we follow His commands, He will bless us.

The woke leftists have taken over many of the institutions and spread their false definition of love, and Americans are more miserable than ever. If America returns to the biblical definition of love, however, as the Founding Fathers intended, we will once more become a healthy, happy, unified, and thriving nation under God. Let that be our prayer this Christmas season.

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