Friday, November 1, 2024

Election Cheaters Are Already Being Caught!

They’ve been given fair warning….cheat and you will caught.

It seems some, if not many, are not heeding that warning.

From WLT Report:

They say a caged dog backed into a corner will lash out, not because it wants to but because that’s the only choice it has left.

Are we seeing the same thing with Democrats and the 2024 election?

Knowing there is no longer any ability for them to win legitimately, will they be forced to try and steal it even in spite of all the warnings not to?

I mean, President Trump has posted at least FOUR major warnings that I have counted that they WILL BE caught and the punishment WILL BE extreme.

Like this:

Can’t be much more clear than that!

And yet….it looks like fraud and cheating are abounding, at least according to this latest update post from President Trump telling them IN REAL TIME that (presumably) Trump’s Team is catching them cheating in the act:

Yes, that’s from 8:18am this morning, October 30.

Are we going to see mass amounts of people going to prison after this election?

He warned them over and over and over….

I actually continue to believe that not only is he going to catch them in real time in 2024, but I believe he caught them in 2022 and 2020 also and he’s been holding that evidence.


So that when all is unveiled, no one can say he’s a dictator.

Imagine this….imagine you did catch massive election fraud and recorded it clear as day, but then you chose to run a free and fair election, not even using that to your advantage.

You beat all challengers (for a third time), by only the Grace of God you fend off two assassination attempts, and then you win fair and square in 2024, even in the face of massive fraud which you catch and record in real time.

Then after you’ve taken office lawfully and “by the book” you present all evidence of cheating and fraud, you send all involved to prison, and you enact sweeping reforms to make sure this never happens again.

Perhaps the worst offenders are even executed for treason against America and its voting system.

I know, I know…..”why not just do it in 2020 and spare us all these horrible last 4 years?”

Well, imagine if he had done that in the wake of 2020.

Just look what they did to the J6 peaceful protestors.

Even WITH clear and convincing evidence, President Trump would have been labeled a dictator.

But now?

After he wins in 2024 and then lays out clear and unmistakable evidence of cheating on 2024, 2022 and 2020?

Now it’s a whole new ballgame.

Now every American — other than those who are truly deranged and have lost their minds like King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, grazing the fields like an animal with no human sanity left — will be forced to admit that President Trump is not a dictator and he’s truly saving America.

That’s what I think we’re about to see.

It’s going to be a VERY interesting election….

Let’s see what happens!

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