Monday, October 14, 2024

Trump Could Take Arab American Vote from Kamala Harris in Michigan

President Donald Trump is surging in the key swing state of Michigan as the critical November election draws near.

Trump’s surge is thanks to an unexpected level of support from the state’s large community of Arab Americans, who typically vote for Democrat candidates.

Former Trump administration official Michelle Moons wrote in an article for Breitbart News that she and other conservative entities are working to tap into an unrecognized group of conservative Arab Americans.

The voter group is now reportedly eager to support Trump over Democrat presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

Harris and the Democratic Party are losing the support of many Arab American voters.

The loss of support is due to the Biden-Harris administration’s handling of the war between Israel and Hamas and the general chaos in the Middle East that has broken out over the past few years.

Under Trump, there was peace and a warming of relations between Israel and the Jewish state’s Arab neighbors.

However, under the Biden-Harris admin, things have the other way.

Arab American voters are demanding a president who has the answers for the chaos and war that has broken out.

They are either switching their support to Trump or planning to stay home in November to protest against the Democrats by not voting at all.

The Democrats’ loss of support especially increased after Kamala Harris insulted pro-Palestinian protestors at a rally in Michigan.

Harris has no way to win with Arab American voters thanks to the United States’ obligations to Israel which is one of our only reliable allies in the Middle East.

Despite entertaining many elements of the Democrats that want to see aid to Israel ended, Harris has been unable to satisfy the radical demands of her party at risk of alienating pro-Israel Jewish elements of the Left.

This is particularly relevant in Michigan as there is a large contingent of Arab American voters in Michigan that can swing the outcome of the state.

Should Arab American voters abandon Harris for Trump or not show up at all, the 45th president can easily win Michigan.

Moons wrote, “My husband and I started the Conservative American Middle Eastern PAC – or CAM PAC – in October 2024 after a Trump-supporting friend told us how much he was hurting financially but that he still wasn’t registered to vote.

“Seeing this gap in Republican outreach to register Middle Eastern Americans, we couldn’t wait for someone else to solve the problem.

“Since launching in Michigan, we have seen people willing to wait in line just to get registered and vote for Trump.”

The GOP has done a horrific job of reaching out to culturally conservative groups and for too long has just resigned those votes to the Democrat Party.

Now thanks to a combination of Kamala Harris’s incompetence and Trump’s reforms to the GOP, a new day has dawned and Republicans are hard at work getting those votes that have been neglected for years.

While Trump is also a pro-Israel candidate, he wants a swift and effective resolution to the conflicts plaguing the Middle East and that could draw many of those angry Arab American voters to join MAGA’s growing coalition.

Conservatives like Michelle Moons are hard at work doing the dirty work of reaching out to new voter segments and it could pay dividends.

Should Trump win Michigan, there are a few scenarios in which Trump could lose the election.

Both Georgia and Pennsylvania are leaning toward Trump significantly and North Carolina was just battered by a nasty hurricane to which Kamala Harris has failed to properly respond to.

Michigan was the key swing state where Harris is seen as having the edge.

However, with this changing dynamic involving Arab Americans, all that could change and hand Trump a second term in the White House.

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