Monday, October 28, 2024

Naomi Wolf Tells Alex Jones Her Former "Liberal" Axis Is Signaling Clearly Their Plan To Save The World From Trump By Collapsing The United States After He Wins: A Sober Look At This Possibility

 This article is thanks to our new friend The Court Jester!

"You're Right to Identify Jamie Raskin. He's One of the Scariest People Signaling."

“I was cured alright.” *

—A Clockwork Orange,

Anthony Burgess

(*Last words of 1963 shortened US edition of the book.)

“Great idea. Let’s forget it.”

—Barry Farber

Well friends, let’s keep our humor and wits about us, now more than ever.

I think “they” are about to cure the United States of its United States-ness.

(All that retrograde filth about freedom.)

All those far-right misérables, who can only be cured in re-education camps.

Salvation is near.

Is this any time to be sarcastic?

I think it’s a good time to be calm, and really accept “reality.”

I listened to this interview this morning, with Naomi Wolf, and it clarified everything from the perspective of one timeline. (The other being some kind of Biblical miracle in which the cabal implodes and they all “go down.” I can’t afford to be 100% dismissive of that.)

Meanwhile, what can people “do?” Americans, I mean, in the United States, during this insane crucible of the next two weeks, with the deranged beast charging, not yet shackled?

As trauma “survivors,” we know our brains will sometimes actually block—not permit—”reality,” if said reality is too incapacitating. But it’s better to keep our eyes and ears open. The most important thing is to not panic.

Leave that to them.

These lunatics really are, I believe, going to try to collapse “the United States” in the next two weeks, and usher in their diabolical freak show. A Burgess-ian totalitarian cult formerly known as the United States. They will try.

Future generations (in a fictional scenario, in which they succeed, I mean) will be told it had to be this way because in the old world, there were still people who opposed liberating the young from their genitalia, breasts, and names; Still people who wanted to make America “great,” again. People who wanted to stop all lethal injections for children, the elderly, and everybody else. People who wanted 1,000 poisons out of the “food supply,” and glyphosate out of the crops. People who still believed there were only two genders. People who wanted freedom and respect for all religions. There were so many people who were crazy, wrong, dangerous, bad—and needed to be purged. Before we could build America 2.0, the real America, ruled by drunk, masked zombies waving syringes, and LGBTQ rainbow flags.

I think, rather than get ourselves tangled in weeds of who we “trust,” we should tether what they say to the landscape as we see and hear it.

I see little or no likelihood that the revolutionary guard will not—as Wolf lays out— set off civil “unrest,” riots, looting, arson, chaos, and worse, as their “plan B” when Trump “wins” in a landslide (even though “elections” are not reflections of people voting.) (Similar to how a Covid PCR test is not any measure of any event that has occurred in a human body, but rather, a talisman of events that have taken place between computers.)

I lean toward no likelihood, and I can’t understand any more than you can how or why nobody has shackled this beast, but here we are.

War of The Two Americas.

I see—we all see— everything Naomi Wolf “predicts” here.

It’s not so much “predictions—” it’s pattern recognition of malevolent actors signaling clearly what their game plan is. They are telling their flocks how to think backwards, how to live through the black mirror, come election time. They’re narrating the movie in reverse: Trump is going to call out the military and…”…shoot, kill, people he feels to be a threat to him…” (Joe Biden, clip here.)

Gosh, I just have missed that.

They’ve had us hostage in traumatizing movie theaters our whole lives, and denied us the freedom to distinguish between reality and simulation propaganda. That’s the true “freedom” that we lost before we entirely understood it existed.

I strongly recommend listening to the interview.

Wolf makes a mature suggestion, that Americans take a cue from our long maligned Southerners: Stay calm, help one another, and keep civil society alive by any means. Prepare, she says, for a good six months, of battle and chaos. Prepare with communications, (plans in the event communication becomes impossible,) food storage, water access, a few people you can trust, and a solid set of stoic nerves.

I guess the right term is: “Brace for impact.”

It was not that long ago there was no such thing as the “federal government.” The people in western North Carolina are already living in a post-collapse USA. Not kind of, but really.

People say, over and over, that they lack the words to describe it:

Clip here.


No celebrities, leave alone the President or Vice President, even pretending to care— no Sean Penn hollering, nothing at all. I agree with Naomi Wolf that the “hurricane” Helene and the utter abandonment of the victims is the clearest sign yet that we are well into this war.

These are acts of war.

No questions remain about the ruthless, merciless nature of the Democrat (and Republican) political class and mass media. In 2024, evacuating and even expecting the actual government to assist, locate, or rescue survivors (or corpses) after a category 4 “hurricane” became just another right wing type of thing. Filthy MAGA stuff.

They only want to “protect” Americans from Donald Trump, from any restrictions on abortion, from non existent viral illnesses, and from un-vetted, non sanitized, non homogenized information. From Alex Jones! From voter ID. You get the idea.

Black Mirror Magic

Wolf and Jones call attention, rightly, to the utterly terrifying Jamie Raskin. Remember this clip, don’t forget this:

“It’s going to be up to use on Jan 6, 2025, to tell the rampaging Trump mobs that he’s disqualified.”

—Jamie Raskin

(How unsettling it is, when utter madness is spoken in such reasonable tones.)

I collected a few Jamie Raskin screenshots for you, that speak for themselves:

I think he is completely, but completely, out of his mind.

Look at the poor dog.

Note: I don’t mean all he expresses is insane; In his Tweets below, there are misdirection tweets that sound sane. But at root, he is a Jim Jones type of figure, and he’s lying even when he’s mixing in flecks of truth.

I just had a desperate idea, at least for a dystopian novella: Americans truly who want to be protected by their “government” could, as a last ditch act, buy a bottle of purple hair dye, wear leather shorts, pierce their nipples, and insist they are the opposite gender of their birth gender. Then insist they have breast cancer. Jamie Raskin has said he will protect such Americans.

Raskin’s net worth is listed as between $2.8 and $6.8 million.

A bit unsettling that Capitol Police enforced a “campus wide evacuation” as a “training exercise” in DC on Oct 21. Fox coverage here.

I think we should carry on as normal, listen to our favorite music, have quality conversations with friends, pray, be kind, expect something really unexpected, stock up, and refuse to worry.

I’m not in the US right now, but my nervous system is, and my sister is. And my stepmother. Friends and family. Most of you. I think we essentially are all “one,” but at different distances from the various epicenters at various times.

Please tell us what you are doing to prepare, and what you think the next two weeks will bring. Let’s exchange our best ideas.

I am tired, as I’m sure you are, of being expected to be miserable, because of these miserable people.

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