Friday, October 11, 2024

Kamala Harris Is Too Stupid To Be President

Kamala Harris looking stupid laughing like a maniac

Democrats have fallen in line behind geriatric and mentally impaired candidates before. They’ll gladly fall in line behind a stupid one now.

Univision hosted a “Latinos Ask” town hall with Kamala Harris on Thursday night, and it was about as airheaded and disingenuous as you’d expect. Here was one word salad from the first five minutes — remarkably in response to a question about the two hurricanes that just decimated the southeast of the country:

Leadership is about understanding the importance of lifting people up, understanding that the character of our country is such that we are a people who have ambitions and aspirations, dreams, goals for ourselves and our families, and are entitled to have a leader who then invests in that. … The two visions [for our country], simply put, are that one is about the future, and the other is about the past and taking us backward. And I do believe that the American people are ambitious and aspirational about an investment in the future in a way that we are optimistic while being clear-eyed.

That’s a lot of ambitions. After one voter observed that Harris was never elected to be the Democrat nominee but just magically became such when “President Biden was pushed aside,” the vice president naturally drove home the point for the umpteenth time that Donald Trump is the “unprecedented” threat to democracy. Funny she brought up Trump and democracy because the former president actually made an apropos comment about the topic earlier the same day, telling the Economic Club of Detroit: “Our biggest threat to democracy is stupid people.”

He’s onto something. Stupid people — people who know nothing of civic responsibility or common sense — do threaten the fabric of our self-government, especially when they hold power, and Kamala Harris is the poster child. She’s frankly too stupid to be president.

Inarticulate and Unlikable

Kamala Harris can’t even articulate why she deserves your vote. The entire town hall consisted of the VP dodging questions from concerned voters, talking instead about, you guessed it, more ambitions, an “opportunity economy,” and taking down “transnational crime organizations.” The best she can offer is that she’s a woman of color and not Donald Trump or Joe Biden — as she answered to the softest of softball questions Stephen Colbert and the shrews of “The View” asked her this week — though she also can’t think of anything she would’ve done differently than Joe these past four years.

Harris’ responses in all her recent appearances, when she wasn’t talking like she was auditioning for “Cool Runnings,” are just the latest reminders that the second-in-command diversity hire is utterly mindless. Yes, every single one of her policy proposals is an unmitigated disaster. Yes, the country has gone down the toilet under her leadership, from foreign policy to the border invasion to the economy to the military. And yes, she’s failed — and slept — her way to the top. But on the most basic and obvious level, the Kamala ~phenomenon~ is too stupid for words.

Speaking of words, Harris is a woman of many. They just don’t make sense. She’s clearly never internalized the Abe Lincoln aphorism, “Tis better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.” Since her first cry for “fweeedom,” Kamala’s been removing said doubt.

“In terms of” how she talks, she constantly parrots vapid phrases like that one as a stand-in for real thoughts. In her Colbert interview, for instance, you can count three or four “in terms ofs” in a matter of seconds. She has the same habit with “I grew up in a middle-class family,” chanting in “blaccent,” and nervous laughter. No silence to be found.

Not only is Harris inarticulate, but she’s also unlikable. She’s like Barack Obama without savvy. Hillary Clinton without brains. Joe Biden without the facade of charm. There are simply no redeeming characteristics. Biden could at least sell the “unity” persona in 2020, even if it was a swindle. Kamala hasn’t found the right pitch and never will. No phony accent will convince astute Americans that she cares.

The Kamala Phenomenon

It’s worth noting, as the one town hall participant did, that nobody voted to make Harris happen. She had so little support in the 2020 Democrat primary that she had to drop out before any votes were cast. She only ever made it into the executive branch because Biden wanted black voters to forget his past racist comments. The anti-democratic Democrat Party only bumped her into the top slot because their Big Lie about vigorous Joe fell apart the moment he staggered onto the debate stage.

So I guess I’m a little confused about where exactly the Kamala love is coming from, besides her sisters — sorority and soul — in the corporate media and pop culture. Contrary to her attempts to rebrand as the “change candidate,” we’ve all known Kamala for a while. Have Americans just lost their minds?

Back when Barack Obama popularized his “HOPE” campaign, and those red-and-blue posters became ubiquitous on Democrat lawns, it was clear to Republicans that the voters who lived there just subscribed to a different set of beliefs. You might not have liked it, but you understood it: Oh, you’re a Democrat.

The bright blue “Harris-Walz” signs now cluttering urban apartment windows evoke a very different reaction: What about Kamala’s word salads inspires you most? Do you hate Jews and Christians and unborn babies that much, or are you just blindly following Travis Kelce’s girlfriend? What about the Biden-Harris presidency has been good for you exactly? More fundamentally, and at the risk of sounding mean, Are you stupid?

The Kamala phenomenon is even more interesting in light of Democrats’ 2016 who-could-ever-possibly-vote-for-Trump-he’s-so-stupid-and-icky attitude. For real, who could ever possibly vote for someone as dumb and radical and ridiculous as Kamala?

Regime Voters Don’t Care

Harris supporters seem to be of two different but equally loyal breeds. The first is people so consumed by Trump hatred that they’d elect a dirty sock. They’re way smarter than Harris — smart enough to know that MAGA fearmongering and Democrat lapdogging is a lucrative business. These are your corporate media types, your academics, your David Frenches.

The second is the “vibe” seekers. Suburban moms who felt kinda sad when Roe v. Wade was overturned, white college students who still wear masks, people who say words like “ally” and “equity” unironically, and simps with gender studies degrees who love Tim Walz because he’s so relatable.

So it doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris can’t even handle friendly interviews. Or that her whole personality is the color of her skin. Or that she’s not smart, articulate, or likable.

She is brat. She is joyful. She is speaking. And she exists in the context of all in which she lives and what came before her. Democrats have fallen in line behind geriatric and mentally impaired candidates before. They’ll gladly fall in line behind a stupid one now.

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