Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Fascist: Trump, Harris, both, neither?

The epithet “fascist” is repeatedly thrown at Donald Trump hoping it will be his epitaph. Is he a fascist? Are President Biden and V.P. Harris fascists? Might the label apply to none? By looking at the evidence, the answer becomes clear.

A fascist has the following characteristics and behaviors.

  • Authoritarian, dictator
  • Militaristic, ultra nationalistic
  • Forcibly suppresses opposition
  • Subordinates individual interests for perceived good of nation or race 
  • Strictly regiments and segments society and economy


The fundamental characteristic of an authoritarian or dictator is they make the rule; people are not all equal under the rule of law.

By calling Trump a threat to democracy, Democrats imply that Trump does not follow rule of law, pointing to Trump’s challenge to the validity of the 2020 election as proof. If such behavior is a threat to democracy, then Al Gore and Hillary Clinton are equal threats as they vigorously challenged the elections of 2000 and 2016 respectively. 

The U.S. Constitution enjoins the chief executive (president) to protect the nation and its people against foreign invasion, for example millions breaking our laws by crossing our borders illegally. Trump accomplished considerable but incomplete border security. The wall he wanted to erect on our southern border was stopped by Democrats. 

Biden’s first executive orders reversed Trump policies. Biden even ordered already constructed barriers to be torn down, violating his constitutional responsibility for border security. A surge of illegal unrestricted, unvetted immigration immediately followed.

At a press conference two months after his executive orders, Biden announced, “I have asked the VP, because she is the most qualified person to do it, ... to stem the migration [surge] in our southern border.” Since the time Harris was placed in charge of border security, at least 10 million individuals have entered the U.S. illegally, bringing disease, human trafficking, fentanyl, and the very gang violence cited by Biden at the March 2021 presser. By her action, or better her inaction, candidate Harris left the border unsecured in direct violation of her responsibilities, both constitutional and enjoined by Biden. Their refusal to enforce our immigration laws smacks of fascist lawlessness. 

It was clearly dictatorial when Biden compelled the nation to wear ineffective face masks, stopped Americans from working or congregating, kept us away from dying loved ones, closed houses of worship, and coerced countless Americans to accept injections with an untested, experimental, medically harmful genetic treatment, the mRNA so-called vaccine.

To Biden and Harris, they rule, not the law. When the Supreme Court struck down their student loan forgiveness program, they tried to circumvent the highest court in the land by issuing illegal executive orders and new rules.

No one is better at subverting the rule of law than Democrats like James Comey, Merrick Garland, Letitia James, Fani Willis, Jack Smith, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris. Examples include the Russian collusion hoax, FBI investigation of parents as domestic terrorists, lawfare against candidate Trump, releasing violent offenders from incarceration or punishment here, allowing foreign criminals and known terrorists into our country to wreak havoc here, and establishing a bail fund for rioters, arsonists, thieves, and murderers during the summer of 2020 riots. The last two charges are directly attributable to candidate Harris.

Based on proof of suppression of rule of law, Harris and Democrats are fascist. There is no similar evidence for Trump.

Militaristic and Ultra-nationalistic

Possibly the most militaristic image since Adolf Hitler’s WWII speeches was the backdrop for Biden’s Sept. 1, 2022 speech claiming he would protect democracy from the “racist” half of the nation, Trump supporters:

YouTube video screen grab.

Where is the evidence of Trump’s militarism? When he says he wants a strong military capable of defending our nation “against all enemies, foreign and domestic,” he is simply following the responsibility enunciated in the citizenship oath. It is noteworthy that military budgets under Trump and Biden were similar.

Harris says that Trump is fascist and therefore ultra-nationalistic. Where is the line between too much and too little national support? Trump wants to make America great again (MAGA), not greatest, dominant, superior, supreme, or even better, just return our country to greatness.  That seems properly, not ultra, nationalistic.  

Suppress opposition

During the CoViD scam, Democrats like Biden, Harris, and Fauci viciously suppressed any scientific opposition to their medical and social tyranny. Data contrary to the official Biden-Harris narrative by legitimate, well-respected individuals were labeled misinformation and censored. The individuals were canceled, banned from social media and fired from their jobs.  This is another classic feature of fascism — forcible suppression of opposition — that Democrats do, and then say without proof that is what Trump does.

Another obvious fascist “suppression of opposition” is the use of the Department of Justice (DoJ) as an enforcer of Democrat policies and progressive ideology and against opponents of the administration. The DoJ’s four spurious lawsuits for alleged offenses years earlier, were only filed when Trump became opposition, i.e., after he announced his candidacy. When parents spoke out at school board meetings against critical race theory (CRT), and alternative sexuality and transgenderism being taught to their children (in kindergarten!), A.G. Garland harassed them with an FBI investigation as possible domestic terrorists. Fascists use government power to suppress political opposition.

Divisive governance

The final two characteristics of fascism — favoring some groups over others and segmentation of society and economy — can be combined under the rubric of divisiveness.

Though the inaugural speech of the Biden/Harris administration claimed to be for “all Americans” and “would unite us,” they governed in a highly divisive manner, promoting CRT in education and the military, DEI (including in the private sector), and reparations for long-abolished slavery to create a rift between white Americans (“oppressors” per CRT) and black Americans (“oppressed”). Now desperately seeking votes two weeks before election day, Harris is trying to bribe young people with free condoms and seniors with free home health care.

Illegal entrants are another group favored by Harris over legal citizens.  She allowed millions of lawbreakers, human traffickers, drug mules, terrorists, and convicted violent criminals to enter our country. She provided free transportation, housing, food, education, social and medical services, and even sex change operations, taking money to fund these benefits away from the very minority citizens she professes to support.   

Democrats claim that “fascist” Trump favored the rich over everyone else with his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. Yet, data showed that following that Act, minorities such as Blacks and Hispanics achieved significant economic gains in both jobs and income.

Harris and Biden have both accused Trump of favoring white supremacists. There is no factual basis to this charge.

The evidence shows that Harris and the Democrats are fascists. There is no comparable evidence against Trump.

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