Thursday, October 31, 2024

Fascism IS the Democratic Party: Here are the Receipts…

Over and over again, I hear the Democrats talk about Trump being a fascist (among other things). Never once have I heard a reporter push back and ask Kamala or any of the leftists what their definition of fascism is.

Merriam-Webster has a definition: “a populist political philosophy, movement, or regime that exalts nation and often race above the individual, that is associated with a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, and that is characterized by severe economic and social regimentation and by forcible suppression of opposition.”

In a broader sense, it refers to any tendency toward strong autocratic or dictatorial control – something that never happened when Trump was president but has happened over and over again under the Biden-Harris tyrannical rule of the country and their Democrat friends.

Here’s the short list of what the Demon-rats have done in a fascist manner – and what they are continually trying to do on a daily basis. There is much more. These are only the highlights.

COVID-19 Pandemic Mandates: Democrats at various levels, including governors like Gretchen Whitmer and President Joe Biden, imposed strict lockdowns, mask mandates, and vaccine requirements – and forced other entities to enforce their edicts (although Democrat ones did it gleefully and willingly.)

If you didn’t comply, you were fired, drummed out of the military, shut down, cancelled and given the boot whether you were an individual or a business. You couldn’t even visit your own mom at her nursing home or go to your grandpa’s funeral or be at the bedside of your dying husband at the hospital. The government did this to you and scared everyone (and threatened them) into following suit.

COVID-19 ‘Essential Worker’ Policies: In addition, during the pandemic, Democratic leaders implemented economic regimentation by determining which businesses were “essential,” allowing only certain industries to operate fully during the pandemic – a form of centralized economic control. In Michigan, you could go to the liquor store or get an abortion, but you couldn’t go to church.

Big Tech Censorship Collaborations: Collaboration between Democratic officials and major tech companies (e.g., Facebook, Twitter) was rampant during the 2020 elections and the pandemic, suppressed dissenting opinions. Freedom of speech? What freedom of speech? And they still do it today to control the information flow. Currently, their BIGLY effort involves YouTube surpressing the Trump interview with Joe Rogan so that it’s hard to find.

Weaponization of Federal Agencies: Democratic administrations have (and are) been using agencies like the DOJ and FBI to target political opponents, such as the investigations into Donald Trump and his associates. This authoritarian enforcement of power against rivals comes straight from Old Man Biden and his sidekick Kamala. Right now, their target is Elon Musk.

Suppression of Parental Rights in Schools: Schools are trying to enforce policies that limit parents’ say in their children’s transgender decisions and policies at schools regarding boys in girl’s bathrooms and locker rooms. The school board tyrants are also trying to limit participation at school board meetings on basically any policy that the school is trying to implement over the objections of parents. This overreach by the government is chipping away at family rights, aligning with the Democratic Party’s push for more centralized control over social norms and what they want happening at the schools across the country.

IRS Funding and Expansion: The Biden administration’s plan to hire 87,000 IRS agents was aggressive financial oversight and control of citizens, centralizing economic power under the federal government. No big surprise here. And I’m sure you remember Obama’s IRS shutting down the tax- exemption status of organization with “Tea Party,” “patriots” or “9/12” in their names. When the tyrannical Democrats seize power, they use all agencies of the government to shut down their opponents and rule over the country.

Efforts to Nationalize Voting Laws: Legislation like H.R. 1, championed by Democrats, sought to federalize election rules, which would consolidate political power by controlling election processes nationally, reducing state authority and potential local dissent. But since they didn’t get their way, the leftist groups and donors all got together to rig the election for Biden to beat Trump.

Sanctioning Energy Industries: Democrats’ energy policies, like restrictions on fossil fuel industries and the push for a centralized green energy agenda, forcing economic sectors to align with government-mandated standards, limiting economic autonomy = fascism.

Gun Control Advocacy: The Democratic push for stricter gun control measures, regardless of second amendment rights, including efforts to ban “assault weapons,” is a move toward greater state control over individual rights, reflecting the authoritarian will of the Democratic party. The Constitution means nothing to them.

The Coup Against Biden: Poor Joe Biden. After all he did for the Democratic party, they still gave him the boot and replaced him with a younger, more female, person of color to compete against Orange Man Bad, ignoring the will of the millions of voters who chose Biden as their presidential candidate. It was a Democratic coup by dangerous, power-hungry fascists. Only this time, it was Obama (and friends) who did dictator stuff and not feeble puppet Biden.
The party of “unity” and “democracy” in name only.

Democrats are trying to control the public in EVERYTHING we do. And use our taxpayer dollars to fund their schemes. While claiming to defend “democracy” what they really do all day long is use their playbook of control, suppression, and centralized power straight out of the fascist manual.

It’s almost like the Dems have swapped their donkey for Mussolini’s old uniform. So, next time you hear a Democrat squawking about Trump being a fascist, remember: they’re just projecting – because nobody loves authoritarian power more than the folks preaching “unity” while censoring dissent and bulldozing our rights.

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