Thursday, October 10, 2024

CBS's Horrible, No Good Year


Not since Dan Rather tried to sink George W. Bush's campaign with an embarrassingly phony Texas Air National Guard letter supposedly written 1973 but clearly produced in Microsoft Word, has CBS covered themselves in so much ignominy. 

Fast forward twenty-five years and it seems that CBS is no better than it was. In fact, given all the malfeasance and buffoonery this year, one might conclude that it is worse. Besides openly and clumsily shilling for the Democratic party, they now are mired in DEI wokeness. Let's take a look at recent events starting this year.

In February, Cathrine Herridge was fired by CBS. Why? It's speculated that CBS News president Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews brought her agenda and discriminatory hiring practices with her. Thankfully Ciprian-Matthews no longer works for CBS.

Fast forward to early October when CBS hosted the Vice Presidential debate. They promised not to interfere with fact checks. Then they fact checked J. D. Vance and cut off his mic when he tried to correct their inaccurate accusation.

Despite their best efforts, J. D. Vance came out looking good, smart and articulate.

Then came this Tweet, which if you read between the lines, screams, "we love Kamala and we're not ashamed to admit it!"


In recent days we were given a peek behind the curtain and hoo-boy, it's not pretty. CBS Morning had fashionable racist Ta-Nehisi Coates on to promote his new book, "Ta-Nehisi Coates Big Book of Joo Hate". (finger to earpiece) Sorry, we're being informed the book's title is actually "The Message".

The CBS interviewer, Tony Dokoupil created a stir by asking tough questions, which as we know journalist are never supposed to do unless the interviewee is conservative.

The fallout was a cross between a campus sit-in and a communist struggle session.

CBS News proceeded to stumble into a field of rakes as they panicked and hired a DEI "consultant" to, who knows what, make CBS check their privilege and weep white tears?

In a surprise twist that was surprising no one, CBS leadership picked a real piece of work racist DEI expert.

The struggle session did not happen as planned.

With CBS News under the microscope, it wasn't long before all their dirty laundry was exposed for all to see.

A leaked memo revealed that the asylum is indeed being run by anti-Semitic anti-Zionist lunatics

It is all a symptom of the CRT takeover of the media where the Hierarchy of Victimhood takes priority over facts, reason and good reporting. Here is a deeper look into how the sausage is made. Vomit bags will be provided.

Normal people would be slinking away in shame and performing some serious soul-searching. But corporate media journalists are not normal people and have their shame gland surgically removed before accepting a job with CBS, NBC or ABC.

Why do we say this? Because you're not going to believe what happens next! After an awful "60 Minutes" interview with Kamala Harris where she produced a word salad so massive, public speaking coaches started committing Seppuku. To fix this, CBS deceptively edited the video with a response from a different question. Behold the before and after.

In a time when CBS and others are clutching their pearls over "cheapfakes", they are producing old-school deceptions worthy of the Soviet Union.

The stench was so bad that the Harris camp had to distance themselves from it.

There's a recent saying going around Twitter that says something like "no matter how much you hate the media, it isn't enough." The only positive we can attribute to CBS News is that they're not NBC News.

If you're interested in an extra credit assignment, watch this with Sharyl Attikisson's account how CBS higher-ups were shilling for Obama.

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