Wednesday, October 30, 2024

An Open Letter to the Harris/Walz Supporters You Know

YOU can protect the lives of tens of thousands of men, women, and children.

“The blessed Religion revealed in the word of God will remain an eternal and awful monument to prove that the best Institution may be abused by human depravity; and that they may even, in some instances be made subservient to the vilest purposes.” —George Washington (1789)

Fellow Patriots, what follows is an appeal I encourage you to copy and paste in a message to family, friends, and colleagues who are Harris/Walz supporters:

An Open Letter to Harris/Walz Supporters

If you embrace the principles of tolerance and diversity regarding opposing views, please take a minute to consider this perspective on the upcoming election.

Our nation is divided evenly on the merits of two presidential candidates, Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

Voters are drawn to, or repulsed by, these candidates for different reasons.

Harris’s appeal is rooted in her assertion that she and Tim Walz constitute the “New Way Forward” ticket, attempting to distance themselves from the Biden/Harris administration’s well-documented record of policy failures, particularly foreign policy decisions that have proven disastrous and deadly.

Some of Harris’s supporters are drawn to her campaign for ideological reasons, but the vast majority of them are in her camp for one of two reasons. The first would be that the early weeks of her campaign, after Joe Biden withdrew, were characterized by her “joy” appeal. That, combined with the second reason many are drawn to Harris — their visceral dislike for Trump — resulted in a boost in her initial favorability polling.

I can understand both the uplifting Harris appeal and the Trump repulsion.

But the joy has largely dissipated now, replaced in the final weeks of this election cycle by Harris’s accusations that Trump and, by extension, his supporters are “fascists” and “NAZIs.” A much darker side of Harris has emerged, and while it plays into her constituents’ dislike for Trump, it is a grossly inaccurate portrayal of Trump and his supporters and does not sit well with those drawn to Harris’s early upbeat appeal.

As for Trump, some of his supporters are drawn to his campaign for conservative ideological reasons, but the majority are in his camp because of his considerable and well-documented record of domestic and foreign policy successes, in stark contrast to the Biden/Harris record. Many are repulsed by Harris because, despite her assertions to the contrary, she will end up being Biden 2.0, embracing the same agenda. That agenda is an affront to American Liberty and generations of Americans who have defended our freedoms.

That is why Grassroots Americans from all walks of life support Trump despite his character and personality flaws.

But here, in short, is why I am pleading with you and every other Harris/Walz supporter to reconsider the consequences of your vote, especially in terms of the cost of human lives. I’m inspired, in part, by another “Open Letter to All Americans” from my friend, Gen B.B. Bell.

I recently spent several days with a group of nonpartisan civilian and military analysts who have substantial frontline insights into the primary foreign threats we face as a nation. The national security assessment of this high-level group has not changed over the last four years. In fact, their concerns have been painfully and repeatedly affirmed by deadly Biden/Harris administration failures.

The consensus among the analysts was that our nation is now on the precipice of much more significant foreign threats than we faced under the Trump administration. The concerns regard three fronts: China/North Korea, Russia, and Iran. Given the degraded state of our military readiness, it would be difficult to defend our nation against any two of these fronts. And there is significant concern that if one of these threats emerges over the next four years, one or two of the remaining threats will pile on.

If that happens, there is considerable evidence that a fourth front will emerge deep within our Homeland — specifically, the threat from enemy state-sponsored terrorists who have entered our country, concealed among millions of other illegal crossers of our southern border during the last three years. Recall that the 11 September 2001 attack on our nation was an internal assault by just 19 foreign adversaries who had entered our country in the previous year.

If you are in the younger Harris/Walz constituent generation, these threats may seem far away and unrelated to your 2024 vote. But war fronts in the near future are at perilous risk of being far more deadly than anything you have witnessed from afar in your lifetime.

All the joy aside, the Harris/Walz ticket is a perilous threat to both national security and the Liberty you may assume is invincible. In fact, the implications for our national security are nothing short of catastrophic.

Your vote will determine the risk of future bloodshed.

But aside from speculating on future threats, as you contemplate casting a vote for the Harris/Walz ticket, please consider the bloody consequences of the Biden/Harris failures that are already a matter of record.

The murder of thousands of men, women, and children by Islamic extremists in Afghanistan, Russia attacking Ukraine, and civilian victims in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict are the direct result of the Biden/Harris regime’s lethal foreign policy ineptitude.

The violent assaults on thousands of Americans by criminal illegal immigrants are the direct result of Harris’s lethal open border policy. The drug overdose deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans are also the result of the Biden/Harris open border policy.

Moreover, the dramatic surge of violent crime across America since 2020 is the direct result of the Biden/Harris war on cops and appeasement of violent thugs.

The blood of all those victims is, indisputably, the consequence of failed Biden/Harris policies, and that blood is on their hands.

So, let me appeal to your sense of humility and decency regarding the consequences of your vote: YOU can protect the lives of innocents.

When you cast your vote for the next president, please remember that the lives of our Military Patriots and tens of thousands of innocent civilians are depending on you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Mark Alexander

Semper Vigilans Fortis Paratus et Fidelis
Pro Deo et Libertate — 1776

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