Friday, September 13, 2024

New Zealand First lawmakers are insisting on an honest COVID vaccine inquiry. GAME CHANGING.

My friend Barry Young brought this to my attention. He wrote "This is HUGE." I have to agree. NZ appears to be the only place on Earth where such an inquiry is happening. Who would have guessed?

Steve Kirsch
Sep 12, 2024

If I told you, you wouldn’t believe me. So watch the 5 minute video.

Believe it or not (and it is hard to believe), there really is ONE party in NZ who care about the thousands of New Zealanders left with sickness and injury after (mandated) Covid injections: NEW ZEALAND FIRST (

These lawmakers want to get to the truth about what happened and why, if the vaccines are so safe, there are so many “coincidences.”

The speaker is Tanya Unkovich, a New Zealand politician, representing New Zealand First as a member of parliament since the 2023 general election. She is the author of four books, and has previously worked in finance, as a life coach, and public speaker.

Wikipedia says this about Tanya:

During the campaign, she faced criticism for participating in a Nuremberg trials Telegram group that likened COVID-19 vaccines to Nazi war crimes.

In other words, she calls a spade a spade. A rarity in politics today.

Apparently, heckling is welcome in the NZ legislature when the speaker is talking about vaccine harms

I don’t know who is heckling her, but it is absolutely deplorable that the Speaker tolerates such behavior in their legislature when someone has the floor. Is there a double standard here? Do they allow that when people are speaking about other topics?

I feel the same way as Anette.

Give Tanya a follow on X, especially if you live in New Zealand. She only has 1,640 followers right now!

Let’s hope she is successful with her efforts.

Status update

As of September 13, 2024, nobody from the COVID inquiry has reached out to Barry or me to get the record level data that the department of health won’t release. That is not a good sign.


All New Zealanders should support finding the truth, even though most of the New Zealand legislature opposes this and wants to keep all the harms covered up and out of public view for some reason.

New Zealand First lawmakers are insisting on an honest COVID vaccine inquiry. GAME CHANGING. (

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