Sunday, August 11, 2024

MRC President Brent Bozell Mocks Media Talk of Tim Walz the 'Moderate' Democrat

 MRC founder and president Brent Bozell appeared Thursday morning on Varney & Co. show on Fox Business. Host Stuart Varney played some funny clips of Democrats claiming Tim Walz wasn’t a leftist. Former Sen. Claire McCaskill claimed he was elected in a “very moderate” House district. Ex-Kamala spokesman Jamal Simmons said Walz was a “cuddly choice” to “make everyone feel safe.”

But the funniest was former Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Morning Joe: "To characterize him as Left is so unreal….He’s right down the middle!”

Varney and Bozell giggled at the Pelosi baloney, then Bozell ran through a reality check on policy:

BOZELL: Let's go through some things and let your audience decide how moderate he is. On gender wars, Walz turned Minnesota into a “transgender sanctuary state,” which among other things says the state has a right to take away your children if you oppose your children’s, child mutilation of their bodies.

On economic policy, he immediately supported a 70 percent [gas] tax increase in Minnesota. He supported every boondoggle Joe Biden wanted, from the Build [Back] Better bill that was $2.2 trillion to the American Rescue Plan, $1.9 trillion, to the Inflation Reduction Act, which was $800 billion.

Immigration, he turned Minnesota into a “sanctuary state” on immigration as well. He wants free health care, free school benefits, everything free for illegals. Healthcare, school.

Abortion, he signed into law in Minnesota making abortion legal for any reason at any time and on top of that, signed an infanticide bill into law that says a baby that’s born from a botched abortion has no legal rights.

He also mentioned Walz's hot takes on climate change, Covid, and his disastrously slow decision to send the National Guard to quell the post-George Floyd rioting after four days. 

Varney also asked about Vice President Kamala Harris refusing to take questions and President Biden being nearly absent from the scene.

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