Monday, August 5, 2024

Liberal Media Outlet Sets Off On Mission To List Kamala Harris’ VP ‘Accomplishments’ — Turns Out It Isn’t So Easy

A Washington Post politics reporter noted Friday that it was tough to “unravel” Kamala Harris’ distinct accomplishments while serving as vice president, pointing to President Joe Biden’s assertion that the two work “as a team.”

Several Georgia voters told Newsmax they couldn’t recount a single Harris accomplishment over the course of her entire career, during a segment that aired on Tuesday. Washington Post politics reporter Amber Phillips noted there are only two achievements that “could be reasonably called her accomplishments” alone.

“She has been pretty under the radar during the Biden administration, which is typical for vice presidents,” Phillips wrote, asserting it took some digging to answer the query.

Phillips asserted it was an accomplishment that Harris emerged as the Biden administration’s “most vocal advocate for abortion rights” after the Supreme Court overruled Roe v. Wade. As vice president, Harris “cast the deciding vote in the Senate” for the Inflation Reduction Act, which Phillips called “a big climate change package” and recorded as one of her accomplishments.

The Washington Post reporter also pointed to examples where Harris didn’t necessarily deliver tangible progress or the final results remain to be seen, including the vice president’s task of stemming migration from Central America by addressing the “root causes.” Corporate and liberal media referred to Harris as the border czar when she received the post from Biden in 2021, but now is attempting to downplay her role in the border crisis.

National Border Patrol Council Union Vice President Jon Anfinsen recently claimed that Harris never met with anyone in his organization despite her role. Since receiving the role, more than seven million migrants have been encountered at the southern border, according to the latest data from Customs and Border Protection (CBP).

Phillips also noted Harris “tried” and “failed” to enact legislation in Congress to increase voting access.

Harris’ office and campaign did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

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