Thursday, August 8, 2024

Jonathan Turley weighs in on DOJ admitting that Hunter Biden took millions from Romanian oligarch to influence US policy

In an amazing turn of events, the DOJ Special Counsel David Weiss is now admitting in his tax case against Hunter Biden that the first son took millions of dollars from a Romanian oligarch to influence US policy back during the Obama / Biden administration.

Weiss admitted this in a court filing and is using it against Hunter to prove his case.

Jonathan Turley weighed in on it today saying it’s mystifying that the are now admitting what Republican leaders in the House have been saying for years.

Turley compares it to a prosecutor trying to prove someone stole a car by saying the person used it in a kidnapping. Turley asks why not charge for the kidnapping?

The DOJ is admitting it has known about the influence peddling the entire time, not just from Romanian, but also from China as well and never did a damn thing about it. Turley pointed out that during the Trump administration someone couldn’t go to Epcot without getting a FARA charge, and yet the DOJ had all the evidence they needed for a FARA charge against Hunter and turned a blind eye to it.

Actually, as Turley also reminds us, the DOJ tried to give Hunter a sweetheart plea deal and if it weren’t for a brave judge calling them out for it, none of his would even be admitted now.

Not only has the DOJ ignored it, but the garbage media has as well. Turley says they ignored one of the greatest corruption scandals of our lifetime and now, with the DOJ’s latest disclosure, they are exposed.

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