Wednesday, July 24, 2024

WATCH: 'Merciless' New Dave McCormick Ad Laying Kamala Harris' Record Bare Has People Talking


As expected, the left-wing media/Democrat talking points about presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris have been dispersed. Among them are of course that any criticisms of Harris boil down to sexism/racism and that she is supposedly far more qualified than her critics give her credit for.

Another one, perhaps the most bizarre of them all, is that Republicans are somehow scared of Harris because of her allegedly stellar record as a district attorney general in San Francisco, as California's attorney general, and as a United States Senator.

These people "are smoking truckloads of crack if they think Republicans are afraid of Kamala Harris," my colleague Jeff Charles correctly pointed out in response to all the chatter.

READ MORE (VIP): Deluded Democrats Think Republicans Are Afraid of Kamala Harris - They Are Wrong, As Usual.

And just to show how "afraid" of Harris Republicans are, Pennsylvania Republican Senate nominee Dave McCormick - who witnessed the assassination attempt on Donald Trump while sitting in the front row at the Butler campaign rally - has released a powerful new 90-second ad tying his Democratic opponent, Sen. Bob Casey Jr., to Harris. 

It drops receipts galore on Harris' far-left record on issues like crime, illegal immigration, energy policy, and even meat consumption, making an effective case that if people were troubled by Joe Biden's positions on the issues, they're going to be even more disturbed by hers.


It's generated quite a bit of buzz on the Twitter/X machine among conservatives and media figures who pointed out that it was a prime example of what we'd be seeing from GOP candidates in other down-ballot races going into the fall campaign season:

Heh. Maybe the next ad released should carry a message that goes something like "Keep talking, Kamala Harris, just keep talking." Because, as we've documented before, Kamala Harris is and always will be her own worst enemy. And while Republicans shouldn't be overconfident against her, her abysmal record going back to her attorney days in the Golden State will indeed do a lot of the heavy lifting in the weeks and months ahead.

As always, stay tuned.

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