Thursday, July 11, 2024

Tucker Carlson: “That’s Not Biden…If I Was A Conspiracy Nut, I’d Think It Was a Body Double”

Oh my….did Tucker Carlson just confirm EXACTLY what we’ve been telling you here for over a year?


Speaking with Catherine Herridge in a FASCINATING interview, at one point Tucker Carlson said to Herridge: “I knew Joe Biden.  That’s not Biden.  If I were a conspiracy nut, I’d think it was a body double [insert trademark Tucker laugh here].”


Watch here:

Full video player here:

Yes folks, it’s EXACTLY what we’ve been telling you.

We’ve simply been saying trust your eyes!

Trust your brain…

Trust your critical thinking….

It doesn’t take a Rocket Surgeon to look at these two men and say the same thing Tucker Carlson just said: One of these men is NOT Joe Biden.

Perhaps NEITHER is Joe Biden….

One Of These People Is NOT Joe Biden

One Of These People Is NOT Joe Biden

Look folks, I don't even know what to tell you about this, so I'm just going to show you.

I don't know what is actually going on with Joe Biden...

I don't really buy into the whole "clones" thing...

I do think there's a lot of merit to the idea that we are seeing different people in masks "play" Joe Biden (I'll explain why in a minute)....

But I do know one thing for sure, and that is this is not the same person in these two photos and only one of these people is actually Joe Biden -- even accounting for aging and so forth:

Yes folks, that picture on the right is a real picture and they just tried to pass that off as Joe Biden.

Do your eyes deceive you?

Or do you trust what you see?

It comes from this photo of "Joe Biden" hanging out with Barack Obama and Jimmy Kimmel:

Yes, they're trying to tell us that's Joe Biden.

Regardless of what you think about whether it's someone in a mask or not, just ask yourself this: can you honestly say you think that looks like Joe Biden?

I can't.

Not even close.

Pictures are worth a thousand words, just watch this for all the different "Bidens" we've seen in the past 4 years, can you really tell me this is all the same guy?

Or this one...

Watch this short clip.

Same guy in all of this?

I'm not here to convince you of anything....

And I'm not here to promote "conspiracy theories".

I'm not even drawing any conclusions here, I'm just asking one very simple question to everyone reading this: WHAT DO YOUR EYES SEE?

Of course we just had this happen earlier this week:

Can Anyone Tell Me What’s Going On With Joe Biden’s NECK Here?

Some think it's Dana Carvey behind the mask:

You Really Telling Me This Guy Isn’t Playing Joe Biden?

Others think Jim Carrey:

Is Jim Carrey Playing Joe Biden In A “Mask”?

Ultimately, I don't know what's going on....

I don't think it's "clones" but I do think Masks are possible.


Because the CIA told us how advanced they were back in the 1990s.

Did you know that?

I can only imagine how much the technology has advanced in the 35+ years since then.

Check this out:

You Don't Have To Believe In Clones, You Just Need To See This...

For nearly four years now, the world has watched as very strange things have happened to world leaders...

For example, remember Germany's Angela Merkel shaking uncontrollably?

Or how about Hillary having a similar "malfunction" and getting loaded into that van by men in black suits?

Watch here:

And then emerging later that day looking totally different....

That's the best part of all.

Remember that?

Close, but yet so far away.

Or how about Joe Biden?

How about the fact he looks nothing like the Biden of 10 years ago?

Or for that matter, why do there seem to be 3-4 different versions of Biden out there today that all look a bit different from each other?

Strange right?

Ok, so what's going on then?

The most common answers are Clones, Body Doubles, Executed at Gitmo, Actors in Masks.

I think the whole "executed at Gitmo" now a clone stuff is nonsense.

I have never promoted that.

Until I see real evidence of that, I think that's just wacky.

But I don't think it's wacky to say something is going on.

Our eyes do not deceive us.

So....what is it?

As much as I think there is zero evidence for Gitmo/Clones, I think there is a TON of evidence for actors in masks....and I want to show it to you.

You see, that's what we do here.

We don't publish nonsense gibberish with no evidence, but we also don't shy away from stories that are outside the so-called "Mainstream" because that's often where you find the truth.

So that said, please allow me to show you that mask technology is not only real, it's also so advanced you probably have no idea what they are capable of.

Check this out:

Former CIA Chief of Disguise -- "I Briefed Bush Sr. In A Mask And He Couldn't Tell!"

Never in my life did I think the word "Mask" would come to play such an important and prolific role on the world stage.

For 2 years we were forced to wear COVID masks...

But there's also another kind of Mask that has rose to fame.

One that I think will soon get a WHOLE lot more attention.

The Costume Mask.

I've often said on this website that I don't subscribe to the theory that Joe Biden is dead and has been replaced by clones.

Sorry, not going there.

But are there "multiple" Joe Biden's being played by Actors in Masks?

That is NOT an unreasonable thing to believe.

That's not just my opinion, that is former CIA "Chief of Disguise" telling you that Mask technology has become SO GOOD that she briefed President Bush (41) face to face (so to speak) while wearing a Mask and he couldn't tell!

Understand that Bush Sr. was back in the 1990s.

If the CIA had human Mask technology so good in the 1990s that it could fool the President when face-to-face with him, what do you think we have now?

Read More:

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