Sunday, July 14, 2024

Bill Gates Launches Fake ‘Butter’ in Bid to Eliminate Farming

Bill Gates’s latest effort to seize control of the food supply comes in the form of fake “butter” which seeks to “fight climate change” by eliminating the need for farmers.

To achieve this goal, Gates is funding a startup called Savor which produces hyper-processed synthetic “vegan fat.”

The products are made in a factory without livestock or the crops needed for margarine.

The company claims it will stop “global warming” by cutting “carbon emissions” and “saving rainforests.”

However, information about the nutritional value of the products or the unwanted chemicals contained within the fake fat is mysteriously hidden.

They seem to be missing the point, perhaps deliberately so, that food is supposed to be nutritious.

A new type of dietary fat could soon be on sale in the US as researchers and entrepreneurs race to develop the first synthetic “foods.”

According to New ScientistSavor has created a “butter” product made from carbon dioxide.

It is produced in a thermochemical system closer to fossil fuel processing than food production.

“There is no biology involved in our specific process,” says Kathleen Alexander from the company.

In a Substack article published in December 2023, Alexander wrote:

“The fats we make at Savor can be produced from fossil fuels like natural gas or from captured CO2 and green hydrogen …

“We could not be more excited to bring these new fats to the world.”

Savor calls them “zero carbon fats” and “carbon neutral fats.”

“The Californian startup has gone to the basics of chemistry to build its product,” Interesting Engineering explained.

“According to its website, like any molecule, fat also has a fixed chemical formula.

“It uses carbon dioxide as a starting point to build fat molecules using heat and hydrogen.”

No other information is provided about the product or its nutritional values.

However, some details about their process were revealed in a presentation given at the Good Food Institute conference held in September 2023.

In a session titled “Commercial innovation of alternative fat ingredients,” Savor’s Director of Business Development Chiara Cecchini explained some of the processes they use to make the synthetic fats that are intended to be fed to the general public.

The process begins with paraffin wax and carbon dioxide, Cecchini revealed.

Cecchini explained: “We start from an input which is basically CO2 and green hydrogen in the form of paraffin and then we take those paraffin waxes and we basically oxidize them.”

Interesting Engineering continued:

In a blog post, the billionaire co-founder of Microsoft described why his venture capital company, Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV), invested in Savor.

“The process doesn’t release any greenhouse gases, and it uses no farmland and less than a thousandth of the water that traditional agriculture does,” he wrote.

“And most important, it tastes really good–like the real thing, because chemically it is.”

According to Pitchbook, Savor has raised more than $33 million to date from BEV and other venture capital companies including Climate Capital and CPT Capital.

The fake “butter” is the latest synthetic “food” product to be pushed for public consumption by Gates.

Gates has been one of the pioneers in pushing lab-grown “meats” to replace traditional beef and chicken.

As Slay News recently reported, Gates has also been funding a project that makes an “alternative” to cows’ milk that is made from liquidized maggots.

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