Wednesday, July 3, 2024

PETA Makes a Huge Mistake Right Before the Fourth of July

The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals shot itself in the foot with an anti-burger post made just before the Fourth of July holiday.

As everyone knows, the one thing you don’t do before Independence Day is mock Americans for grilling burgers.

Unfortunately for PETA, this is exactly what the group did Tuesday in a post on the social media platform X.

The post featured a picture titled “meat-eater logic,” a smug and ham-fisted attack on people who would choose to eat burgers this holiday.

In the image’s sequence, people are horrified when offered burgers made out of horse, dolphin and puppy.

The last panel has a man looking more than happy to eat a “dead cow burger.”It’s hard to imagine how PETA saw this post succeeding, but user responses proved the group made a huge mistake.

The replies were flooded with photos of burgers and meats, and unlike Sen. Chuck Schumer, it’s clear these people can cook.

This isn’t the first time PETA has blundered while trying to get people to eliminate meat from a meal.

On International Sushi Day, the group posted a picture of a “sad” crab begging not to be eaten.

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The crustacean was depicted thinking about sushi, and the post said, “He doesn’t belong on your plate.”

The post was quickly fact-checked as the sushi pictured contained no crab.

It appeared PETA also used a font reserved for Apple and Apple app developers to make the post.

Independence Day is not the only American holiday exploited by the group.

The activist organization’s account targeted Thanksgiving last year, posting an image of a group of anthropomorphized turkeys gathered at a dinner table preparing to eat a cooked human.

“We’re lucky turkeys would never do this to us — you don’t have to do it to them, either,” PETA’s post said.This post was also called out by a fact check pointing out that turkeys are not vegetarians. The birds eat mice, lizards, frogs and other small critters. It’s reasonable to say if humans were only a few inches tall, we’d be on their menu as well.

The trend against PETA is clear. If the group wants to keep pushing an anti-meat line, it must prepare to be grilled.

White House Installs Touch And Learn Activity Desk In Oval Office So Biden Can Feel Like He's Working While Jill Is Running The Country

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WASHINGTON, D.C. — In order to let President Biden feel like he is still working, the White House has installed a "Touch-And-Learn" activity desk for Biden to play at while First Lady Jill Biden runs the country.

"He just loves feeling like he's still a part of things," said Chief of Staff Ron Klain, watching the President spin a wheel. "Ope! Ring-ring, Mr. President! I think someone's calling on your little yellow phone!"

According to sources, Biden had become progressively more agitated as family members took over more of his previous roles. "Old people want to know they still have something to give, something to contribute," said aide Reyna Hensley. "Aw, look at the big boy doing his letters over there. Way to go, Mr. President! You're such a big help!"

White House aides report Biden has been much happier since the installation of the "Touch-And-Learn," with fewer temper tantrums. "He's screaming a lot less these days. It's really helped to keep his mind occupied, punching numbers on the little calculator," said Ms. Biden. "We were still letting him play with the actual Oval Office phones, but he started chewing on the cords. Plus, he called President Xi one day and asked if he would bring him a Lunchable. It was time."

At publishing time, the White House had bought a red and yellow "Cozy Coupe" so Biden could pretend he was still able to get around the White House by himself.

Gavin Newsom DESTROYED for tyrannical COVID response by Adam Carolla

Gavin Newsom DESTROYED for tyrannical COVID response by Adam Carolla

When comedian Adam Carolla recently scored a spot guest hosting on News Nation, he ended up face-to-face with California Gov. Gavin Newsom.

And he happily took that golden opportunity to call the governor out for what he did to Californians during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Governor, why did you shut the beaches in California during COVID?” Carolla asked Newsom.

“I think we were all working on information at the time, we had no basis of deeply understanding the virus,” Newsom responded, before Carolla fired back.

“If you didn’t know anything, then why’d you shut the beaches?” he asked angrily.

“Well, we didn’t know,” Newsom stuttered, adding, “People were concerned early in the pandemic, information was coming out as it related to how it was transferred, the disease, and people were cautious trying to keep people alive.”

“You didn’t let us go in the sunshine and get vitamin D and exercise, so he shut the beaches. Ok, and you arrested a guy that was paddle boarding in the bay,” Carolla continued, adding, “Any science behind that? Any science at all behind shutting down outdoor dining? Why’d you shut down outdoor dining?”

Newsom uncomfortably smiled and dodged questions during the interview, while Carolla continued to talk over him citing the grievances of Californians everywhere.

Dave Rubin, an ex-Californian himself, understands the anger.

“If you think I hate Gavin Newsom,” Rubin says, “Carolla might be the one man on Earth that hates him more than me, and he still lives in California.“

Visiting Kiev, Orban Presses Zelensky to End the Meat Grinder: “If Trump Wins, There Will be a Ceasefire” While Moscow Claims Ukraine Suffered 1800 Casualties in ONE DAY

Viktor Orbán meeting Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has taken the helm of the EU Commission for six months, vowing to “Make Europe Great Again.” On his first visit as EU Chair, to Kiev, he tried to convince Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to consider a ceasefire.

“If [Trump] wins, then at least there will be a ceasefire; whether this will lead to a lasting peace is the music of the future, but it will not be like it is now, that’s for sure. And that is why Europe needs to quickly prepare for the situation that – sooner or later – the Americans and Russians will begin negotiations with each other,” Orban told M1 broadcaster on Monday.

As Russia continues to advance against outmanned Ukrainians, the Russian Ministry of Defense claimed the Ukrainian army lost up to 1,800 men and nine airplanes yesterday.

In April, Russian Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu claimed that Ukraine lost almost half a million soldiers since the beginning of the Russian invasion in 2022.

It is illegal to report casualty figures in Ukraine, so the Russian numbers can not be independently verified. In February, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky claimed 31,000 Ukrainian soldiers had been killed since the February 2022 invasion.

On Monday, The Kyiv Independent reported Ukraine’s General Staff claimed Russia has lost more than 540,000 troops in Ukraine since the beginning of the invasion — a number that includes killed and injured.

At a joint press conference with the Ukrainian president, Orbán asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to consider a ceasefire.

“Peace is important not only for Ukraine but for the whole of Europe”, Orbán said. “I put it to the president (Zelensky) that we should consider whether the order may be reversed by speeding up peace talks with a quick ceasefire,” he said. “A ceasefire tied to a deadline, which could offer the opportunity to accelerate peace talks; I have assessed the options for that scenario,” he added.

Zelensky expressed his gratitude to Hungary for its humanitarian support for Ukraine, underlining that he believed that saving lives was the most important consideration. “Everything we discussed today serves as a basis for a future bilateral document between our states which will regulate all segments of our relations and will be mutually beneficial for both countries,” Zelensky said after talks with Orbán. “It is important for there to be peace so that we can put the strengthening of Europe on new foundations,” he said.

Zelensky had announced he would be drafting a new peace plan Friday that should be “supported by the majority of the world.”

“After the adoption of the bill facilitating mobilization, the number of mobilized people increased, but the Kiev regime failed to achieve the numbers set by the Americans, failed by far. That is why they are having problems with their US masters who are openly saying: ‘You planned to mobilize this number of people, but mobilized that. We have provided you with funds for weapons and that number of troops, and you fail to hold your end of the bargain,'” former Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said on Wednesday. There is active agitation in Ukraine for a ceasefire, Azarov added.

Corporate Media Admits ‘Unelected Oligarchy’ Is Running Country, NOT Biden

The Democrats’ corporate media allies have finally started admitting that President Joe Biden is not really in charge and an “unelected” team of “governing oligarchy” is actually running the country.

Following Biden’s disastrous debate performance, liberal talking heads immediately began ringing the alarm bells.

Many have since been calling for Biden to bow out of the presidential race, including the president’s favorite news show, MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.”

The New York Times editorial board called for him to stop running the day after the debate.

As Slay News reported Tuesday, Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) became the first congressional Democrat to go public and call for Biden to drop out.

And now, Biden’s allies are breaking from him and admitting to the world that he’s not in charge.

Axios, who within the last year has run headlines about Biden’s “vigor,” outlined the president’s puppet masters in a Wednesday run-down.

The article casts his wife Jill Biden, his sister Valerie Biden, and his longtime friend Ted Kaufman alongside a group of White House advisers as his unofficial handlers.

The outlet refers to this group of unelected handlers as a “governing oligarchy.”

“This decades-long kitchen cabinet operates as an extended family, council of elders, and governing oligarchy,” the outlet wrote.

“These allies alone hold sway over decisions big and small in Biden’s life and presidency.”

Meanwhile, NBC News reported that Biden’s son Hunter joined him in the White House following the president’s return from a family gathering at Camp David over the weekend.

The report lends credence to Axios’ hypothesis.

Hunter, who has no official role in the administration, has reportedly been sitting in on high-level meetings with aides.

The unusual situation is leading Biden staffers to ask “What the hell is happening?” a source told NBC News.

Additionally, a former Obama administration official appeared to give credence to the puppet master theory.

On Tuesday, former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Jeh Johnson chose to emphasize the handlers pulling Biden’s strings while trying to quell the media maelstrom.

Johnson mentioned the Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, and USAID Administrator Samantha Power as reasons for voters to be hopeful.

He continued by claiming that “a presidency is more than just one man.”


The Daily Beast’s Melissa DeRosa also described in detail the “they” who have been running the country instead of Biden.

“That ‘they’ is comprised of a long and distinguished list, starting with the first family, top White House, and Biden campaign staff, and likely a notable list of Democratic senators, Congress members, and Cabinet officials,” DeRosa wrote Wednesday.

The fact that Biden is being handled politically shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone who’s been paying attention.

Considering how often he’s been physically handled by his wife and even world leaders publicly in the last year, concerns have been mounting for some time.

Dozens of online clips show the first lady rushing to Biden’s side to aide him as he wanders aimlessly.

Most recently, a video went viral that showed “Dr.” Jill leading an extremely confused-looking Biden off the debate stage Thursday night.

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni also had to corral Biden back to the group as other world leaders huddled to mask Biden wandering away from a photo op during the G7 Summit in Italy in June.


The virality of the video prompted White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to accuse “conservative media” of engaging in deceptively editing videos of Biden to make him look elderly.

Jean-Pierre labeled the video, which hadn’t been altered, a “cheap fake.”

Nigel Farage’s Appeal on Eve of Voting: Strike Now to Break Up ‘Rotten Two Party System’

“Help us take the first really big step”, Brexit’s Nigel Farage says on the final day of his last-minute, four-week campaign to get a foothold in Britain’s Parliament with Thursday’s national election.

The United Kingdom will vote in its first national election in five years on Thursday to select the next parliament, and consequently Prime Minister and government. Polling showing the Labour party being all but certain to take a massive majority in the house — possibly the largest in modern British history — has been taken essentially as fact, and the race for second place is the only game in town.

In normal times and for a century the positions of government and opposition change hands between just two parties, Labour and the Conservatives. Yet the Conservative Party has cynically betrayed its own voters to a degree possibly unprecedented in history, and even worse in the internet age where the legacy media can no longer be relied upon for avoiding scrutiny.

So having promised to reduce mass migration to the “tens of thousands” a year but actually boosted it to a million every 18 months, and having promised to deliver on Brexit but squandered it, and having promised to cut taxes but having actually increased the burden to post-war highs, the moral authority of the Conservatives appears comprehensively broken.

Enter Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party. There’s no doubt this very short surprise election campaign has damaged Reform, just as Farage predicted itself at the beginning, but nevertheless the party is regularly polling at-parity with the Conservatives and has been for weeks. This is a remarkable achievement for a party that barely existed two months ago, to be menacing one of the oldest and most established political parties on planet earth.

Voting is tomorrow and, largely thanks to Britain’s electoral system which does a good job of shutting out outsider candidates — don’t forget this is Nigel Farage’s 8th attempt to get a Westminster seat — whether Reform walks away with dozens of new MPs or just enough for a game of bridge simply can’t be foreseen. The polling industry is very focused on understanding the balance between the Conservatives and Labour, made a dreadful job of trying to predict Brexit, and quite possibly has done a bad job of estimating Reform in this election too. We’ll see.

Mr Farage himself is making his final appeal for support to voters today, and will hold a rally in Clacton tonight. This morning, he said:

…we’re the only party saying what the silent majority think. We’re prepared to tackle immigration. We’re prepared to try and lift those on low pay out of the tax system. We’re bold, we’ve got a vision for the future. Help us take the first really big step. Vote with your heart.

The Sun newspaper published short calls to action by leaders this morning and in his Mr Farage emphasised the plan he’s been talking about on the campaign trail, that the ambition is to take over the British government. He said: “this is just the start. Over the next five years I am serious about building a mass movement for real change.

“A vote for Reform UK is not a protest vote, it’s not a fantasy vote, it’s not a wasted vote. It’s a vote to change Britain for good.” Far from just being an election, Mr Farage said, it had become a referendum on “on the corrupt political establishment” and the “rotten two-party system”.|27332187|Nigel%20Farage%26%238217%3Bs%20Appeal%20on%20Eve%20of%20Voting%3A%20Strike%20Now%20to%20Break%20Up%20%26%238216%3BRotten%20Two%20Party%20System%26%238217%3B|

Me Too Fail: Roger Waters Does NOT Believe All Women-Denies Proof of Hamas Use of Sexual Violence Against Jewish Women

Roger Waters joins Piers Morgan to deny the stories of rape victims

While speaking with Piers Morgan on Tuesday, former Pink Floyd frontman and rabid anti-Israel activist Roger Waters blamed the October 7 attack by Hamas terrorists and the deaths of more than 1,200 Israelis on Israel itself.

During the interview, Waters also made it clear that he does NOT believe all women, especially if they are Jewish, by going a step further and attacking Hamas rape victims directly.

When asked about the extensive proof and testimony of survivors of the rape and sexual abuse they were subject to by their Hamas captor, Waters said, “There was no evidence. You can say anything that you want, but there is no evidence,” and those who claim otherwise are “filthy, disgusting” liars.

According to Waters, Jewish rape victims are filthy, disgusting liars.

Watch: (Waters’ disturbing comments invalidating rape victims begin at 48:50)

Here are some of the things that Waters denies.

Palestinian barbarians kidnapped Shani Louk from a music festival, raped her, broke her legs, murdered her, and then paraded her body through the streets of Gaza as civilians cheered.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the admission of a captured Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist that his team raped Israeli women during the October 7th Hamas terrorist attacks.

Evidence of the use of rape by Hamas terrorists as a tool of war has been collected by Lahav 433, Israel’s top national police unit.

One massacre survivor testified that she saw another woman being raped in front of her, Arutz Sheva reports. “I knew that he raped her, then they transferred her to someone else. She was alive until, in the end, he shot her,” said the survivor.

In December, The New York Times published a lengthy report after a two-month-long investigation into the sexual violence and brutality Israeli women faced at the hands of Hamas terrorists.

The report culminated from interviews with 150 people, including witnesses, medical personnel, soldiers, and rape counselors.

An extensive report was published by The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel (AARCC) detailing the systematic nature of the “sadistic sex crimes” committed by the Hamas.

The document has been translated into English and sent to decision-makers in the United Nations to leave “no room for denial or disregard.”

The report highlights the systematic, premeditated, and deliberate manner of the sexual violence and the use of rape as a tool of war including the gang rape of underaged girls, boys, men, and women.

**Warning graphic and disturbing content.**

Jewish News Syndicate reports:

According to the report, the sexual violence took place everywhere the terrorists invaded, including at the Supernova music festival, kibbutzim, cities, towns and IDF bases. The hostages in Gaza continue to be victimized.

Examples of the sexual crimes committed include violent acts of rape, with weapons pointed at the victims, in some cases aimed at wounded women. Many mass rapes occurred. Often, the rapes were intentionally committed in front of husbands, partners and family members to maximize the pain and helplessness felt and increase the terror.

Hamas terrorists carried out a hunting expedition to catch young men and women who attempted to escape the carnage at the music festival, dragging them by the hair screaming. The sexual violence targeted men, women and girls and included binding their bodies, mutilating genitals and the bodies of both males and females with knives and in some cases inserting weapons inside the genitals.

The victims, in most cases, were executed either during or after the rape.

Star of Disney's costly 'She-Hulk' flop attacks parental rights and Israel

Marvel script-reader Tatitana Maslany's woke show might be a thing of the past, but she's still spewing leftist propaganda.

Disney's "She-Hulk: Attorney At Law" was a total disaster. The budget for each episode of the lecturous series was reportedly $25 million — an investment that translated neither into quality nor viewership.

The audience score for the show on Rotten Tomatoes is 32%. Even woke blogs like the Daily Beast couldn't stand it, noting it offered "every tired 'man=bad' trope you've ever seen" and nothing of substance.

While Disney ultimately mercy-killed the series after nine episodes, its star, Tatitana Maslany, has not given up on blathering leftist talking points to small audiences of fellow travelers.

Maslany recently returned to her hometown of Regina, Saskatchewan, to receive a plaque commemorating her 2022 induction into Canada's Walk of Fame. She seized upon the opportunity to decry the democratic will of the people of Saskatchewan and the parental rights they hold dear.

Marvel script-reader Tatitana Maslany's woke show might be a thing of the past, but she's still spewing leftist propaganda.

Disney's "She-Hulk: Attorney At Law" was a total disaster. The budget for each episode of the lecturous series was reportedly $25 million — an investment that translated neither into quality nor viewership.

The audience score for the show on Rotten Tomatoes is 32%. Even woke blogs like the Daily Beast couldn't stand it, noting it offered "every tired 'man=bad' trope you've ever seen" and nothing of substance.

While Disney ultimately mercy-killed the series after nine episodes, its star, Tatitana Maslany, has not given up on blathering leftist talking points to small audiences of fellow travelers.

Maslany recently returned to her hometown of Regina, Saskatchewan, to receive a plaque commemorating her 2022 induction into Canada's Walk of Fame. She seized upon the opportunity to decry the democratic will of the people of Saskatchewan and the parental rights they hold dear.

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'It should not be in the control of parents how a child identifies.'

In recent months and years, there has been an effort in Canada to replicate American red states' success in bolstering parental rights. The province of Saskatchewan, for instance, ratified a parental bill of rights in October.

Blaze News previously reported that Saskatchewan Premier Scott Moe's government, handed an overwhelming majority and clear mandate by the electorate in 2020, announced in August 2023 new parental inclusion and consent policies aimed at protecting parental rights in the classroom.

The province would accordingly not only temporarily cut radical LGBT activist groups out of sex education in the classroom, but require that if a child wanted to identify as a member of the opposite sex in school, educators could not play along unless the student's parents consented. This would help ensure that educators would not groom students for transition behind parents' backs.

The socialist New Democratic Party, LGBT activist groups, and other radicals fought ardently to keep parents in the dark. The LGBT activist group UR Pride Centre for Sexuality and Gender Diversity even secured a temporary injunction against the proposed policies.

However, the Moe government and parents in the province prevailed.

Moe's education minister introduced the act to the legislature as Bill 137 on Oct. 12, revealing that the province would invoke section 33 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to see it through.

This maneuver, called the "notwithstanding clause" or the "nuclear option," enabled Saskatchewan to override certain Charter rights with which the legislation might conflict, thereby protecting it from court challenges as well as challenges under the Saskatchewan Human Rights Code.

In addition to making sure teachers couldn't use pronouns mismatched with a student's actual sex, the legislation underscored that parents were the primary decision-makers with regard to their kids' education.

The bill passed in a 40-12 vote and subsequently became the law of the land.

Maslany, who has apparently lived in Los Angeles for years, claimed at her plaque conferral last week that the law affirming parents' rights amounted to "overreach," reported CTV News.

"It should not be in the control of parents how a child identifies. How a child knows themself to be. That isn't a parent's place — it's an overreach," said Maslany. "It's an overreach on the part of the provincial government to legislate that. It's absurd."

After implying that it wasn't overreach for teachers — also government employees — to shape how other people's children identify, the Hollywood script reader said, "Children have rights. Children are human beings who have knowledge and who know themselves, and we should be taking cues from them. In so many ways, we should be taking cues from them."

"Listening to them, empowering them to know who they are and to name that," continued Maslany. "It's their right. It's not the parent's right."

Footage of Maslany's remarks obtained by state media reveal that she did not limit herself to bemoaning parental rights. Fighting back tears, she also accused Israel of genocide.

"As a Canadian, it's strange to be standing up here when we are witnessing the genocide of the Palestinian people at the hands of the Israeli settler colonial state," said the script reader. "We watch and we do nothing, and I would say with whatever platform I have that we can't do nothing and I would demand that our government demand a ceasefire. Stop funding the genocide. Stop being complicit in it."

She concluded her rant with, "Free Palestine."

Bounding into Comics highlighted that Maslany's radicalism is nothing new. Before it was altogether clear that her Marvel show was a dud, Maslany told Elle magazine in 2022 that she had worn pro-transgenderism apparel in "She-Hulk" publicity videos in protest of Florida's Parental Rights in Education law.

"I felt, as an employee of Disney, that I had to speak," said Maslany. "Stand with the people who I stand with. I wanted to let people know, who needed to know, that I was with them."

PETA Makes a Huge Mistake Right Before the Fourth of July

The animal rights group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals shot itself in the foot with an anti-burger post made just before the Fo...